Employees Of The Global Elite

Employees Of The Global Elite

When you can’t buy a politician to do your bidding it screws up the works, that’s why everyone is freaking out about Trump, he can’t be bought. Hillary on the other hand has been bought and paid for through her money laundering foundation. It’s obvious the Clintons are a corrupt people, so who would you rather have running the country, the Clinton clan paying back their donors with policy decisions, or Donald Trump who owes no one?

That’s changed a lot in the last few decades. The technological revolution and the technocratic revolution has unleashed a new force in politics and that’s the global elite. Mark Zuckerberg’s company makes money all over the world. Apple makes more in China than in the US. Countries are no longer places to global business. They are markets. Consequently, the super-rich are no longer citizens of a country. They are citizens of their class, the global elite.

The political and media class are the servants of this global elite. They fly on their jets to Davos and they rely on their largess to finance their think tanks and media companies. The American Enterprise Institute, for example, has no customers and conducts no commerce. Yet it has offices in Washington and 150 people on staff. Who pays for that? Donors, of course, and those donors are not school teachers and shop keepers.

The result of globalization is that a smaller class of people than the former ruling classes has a bigger impact on the national affairs of every country. The old way had rich people trying to buy influence with elected officials. The new way is elected officials trying to curry favor with the rich people, in the hopes they will finance their campaigns.

That’s why everyone involved in politics panics whenever the “I” word comes up. Immigration is the one subject where the vision of anointed is revealed. On the one hand, global elites wish to get rid of citizenship and national governments because they are a nuisance. On the other hand, they imagine a world where the masses beneath them live in enforced equality. Their solution to inequality is to make everyone a peasant.

That last part is what no one discusses. The elites imagine a world like the college campus. At the top are the trustees who hire administrators to culture and cultivate the undergraduates who live communal lives. The new definition of socialism is the redistribution of happiness and self-actualization by a cloud people who rule as if they are gods. here….

2 thoughts on “Employees Of The Global Elite

  1. Well technically Bernie Sander’s hasn’t been bought: his whole campaigns been built on regular people donating small amounts.
    And well, if you want to count Larry Lessing he hasn’t been bought either.
    Yes, buying politicians is one of our biggest issues, but that doesn’t mean we have to start voting for this insane megalomaniac who says he should be president because he’s rich.

    1. Liberal Guy – They have all been bought in one way or another, if Hillaries transgression ranks a 10 and Bernies ranks a 2, they still were bribed for policy decisions. The level of deceit does not matter, and republican politicians are in the same boat. That is why Trump “could” be politically viable. Who the hell is Larry Lessing?

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