The Endless Recycling Of The Ruling Elite

The Endless Recycling Of The Ruling Elite

This should be obvious to everyone, the view from the top is not a lonely place for the special little snowflakes, it’s the only thing they know.

The first thing to understand about this emerging ruling elite is they are nothing like normal people. Most grew up in upper middle-class homes, went to private schools and finished up in elite universities. These are folks who lived in a parallel America. They drove the same streets and ingested the same popular culture, but did so from an entirely alien perspective.


It’s tempting to think of this new elite as just an Apple version of the old elites, but that’s a mistake. Consider the media. In the industrial age, news reporters and columnists were jobs filled by men of the working classes who had high literacy. They lived in the same neighborhoods as their readers. Their kids played with the plumber’s kids. Many served in the same roles in the military as their readers. Today, the typical media person is a graduate of an elite school and only knows the sons of toil as servants. Here….

The middle class funds their government and the newly minted immigrant citizens clean their bathrooms, mow their lawns, and vote their friends into office. An endless recycling of the ruling elite.

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