Some jack ass at NBC News said that white Americans were the biggest terror threat in the United States. Whaaa???
A lunatic kills 9 people and because he is white we are all lumped together, but the Muslim terrorists bombers were just lone wolfs and you can’t lump all Muslims as terrorist threats. Doesn’t that seem to be a bit of a double standard?
You can go to Weasel Zippers for the link to the article, this is the ironic and hypocritical screen shot of the two headlines.
3 thoughts on “Seriously”
— A lunatic kills 9 people and because he is white we are all lumped together, but the Muslim terrorists bombers were just lone wolfs and you can’t lump all Muslims as terrorist threats. Doesn’t that seem to be a bit of a double standard? —
Yes, but the perpetrators expect you not to notice that!
Cognitive dissonance, especially among those who aren’t keenly attentive to events, is one of the Left’s big weapons.
How about if we lower a Confederate Flag we put a Mooselimb terrorist hanging in its place.
Odie – Never happen, there is no such thing according to Obama, just the religion of peace.