Too Many People In The Wagon

Too Many People In The Wagon

I saw this over at Theo’s place and was astonished at what it represents. And if the numbers are accurate, there are more people in the wagon than pulling it, and that’s a tragedy….especially if you’re*** doing the pulling.carry

***A common mistake for me is “your, you’re”. Luckily I have well educated people correcting me for the obvious mistake of writing what I’m thinking and not proofreading those thoughts.

h/t for SgtBob correcting me.

First-time reader. “…your doing the pulling.” ‘you’re,’ dammit! Contraction for “you are” is “you’re.” F’n illiterates.

6 thoughts on “Too Many People In The Wagon

  1. First-time reader. “…your doing the pulling.” ‘you’re,’ dammit! Contraction for “you are” is “you’re.” F’n illiterates.

  2. Heh, 211 million by my math, but who’s counting? Still a shitload of people. If you backout children e.g. not in the workforce to begin with, and the people who are not freeloading SS, etc. but are deserving recipients, the problem is soooo takes on a much worse perspective.

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