The Truth

The Truth asked Coburn why his fellow Republicans, who supposedly support limited government, have gone along with the vast expansion of federal power.


“The Republican Party is not the party of small government,” Coburn replied. “I’ve been in Washington for 16 years, when Republicans controlled Congress and the White House, when Democrats controlled Congress, and every combination in between. There is no difference. There’s no difference,” he emphasized. here


One thought on “The Truth

  1. Pretty much. Ol’ Yellowstain Boehner is always ready with an explanation for why he caved in and gave the Democrats everything they wanted, and the Dead Elephant Party establishment keeps on saying, “We’re gonna roll over every time, and we’re gonna cave, and the Democrats are going to push things too far, and just you wait, next election, next year. We’re gonna really fight back then, in 2008/2012/2016…”

    This is why I’ve stopped voting. I have said it previously: I am a conservative, not a Republican. I will not hold my nose and vote for a Romney or a McCain or a Christie. I will not vote for another Bush. I require a candidate who doesn’t hold working-class white Kulaks like me in open contempt. If the GOP wants my vote, they know where to find me. I anticipate, however, that I will spend yet another Election Day sitting at home, cleaning my guns.

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