Bitch Slapped

Bitch Slapped

Congrats GOP, you just handed America to communists and LaRaza. Well done you spineless fools, you will rue the day, trust me.

Boehner told Republicans during a weekly conference meeting they had three options: The Senate bill; another short-term CR, which he didn’t expect Democrats to go for; or a DHS shutdown. And Boehner said he wasn’t willing to shut down DHS.

 You own both houses you fuckwad. There is nothing anybody can do to you.

“Imagine if, God forbid, another terrorist attack hits the United States,” Boehner said, according to a source in the room.

And the chances of that get worse by the day as you allow Obama to keep the border open…dip shit.

Some Republicans balked, but there was nothing they could do. Idaho Republican Mike Simpson brought up the bill Tuesday afternoon and, after a three-way debate between moderate Republicans, conservatives and Democrats, the DHS bill passed 257-167.

For Pelosi and other Democrats, the saga’s conclusion is a victory. At a hastily-organized press conference following passage of the DHS funding bill, which won support from every House Democrat, Pelosi grinned at the microphones.

“I’m proud of the vote today,” she said. Keep Reading….

H/T Ace for the link

2 thoughts on “Bitch Slapped

  1. And he wonders WHY most of us refer to him as weepy.
    apparently he is not smart enough to comprehend that it would NOT be the repubs who ‘shut down’ the goobermint. But then again, he probably believes barry that it was all Ted Cruz’s doing when it ‘shut down’ the last time.
    I’ll go back to one of my long held contentions: why doesn’t weepy and the rest of his rino buddies go ahead and draw up the surrender papers, give the dems everything they want, take their retirement and go play golf. They sure are NOT doing anything to indicate that they want us to return to being a Constitutional Republic, they might as well surrender everything.

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