Stop The Money

Stop The Money

Stop paying financial aide to Mexico until three things happen.

1. The immediate release and written apology for the arrest and detention of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi.

2. They send planes to every state in the union and remove all illegal alien children, minors, and their parents here in the US.

3. They send there own troops and patrols to secure THEIR side of the border.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Mexico’s president spoke of the need for U.S. immigration reform on a two-day visit to immigrant-friendly California, saying those who reject diversity and inclusion will ultimately be proven wrong.

“We want to be a factor of cohesion, not division, with full respect for the sovereignty of the United States,” President Enrique Pena Nieto said Monday. “This, at the end, is about — and only about — a matter of justice for those who contribute so much to the development of the American society.”

7 thoughts on “Stop The Money

    1. Gomez – Gotta start somewhere. That was a knee jerk post because the President of Mexico claims we need to embrace diversity, the hypocrisy is strong with that one.

  1. The fastest way to get everyone to go home is to stop their money from being sent home. The Western Union offices in the grocery stores here in FW, TX have constant lines of people cashing checks and sending money to the home country. Cut off the money going from Juan to Mom and Juan goes home to help support the family. Where does the money come from to pay the coyote? It comes from Juan..

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