Sex, Lies, And Video Ta….er…Emails

Sex, Lies, And Video Ta….er…Emails

Ok, so no sex but apparently the lies and emails are all in place. Time to start clearing house if this is true.

“A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records in case something terrible happens in Washington and there’s a catastrophe, so the government can continue operating,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Fox News’s Shannon Bream.

“But it would be too hard to go get Lois Lerner’s e-mails from that backup system,” Fitton continued, paraphrasing the DOJ official. “So, everything we’ve been hearing about scratched hard drives, about missing e-mails of Lois Lerner, other IRS officials, other officials in the Obama administration, it’s all been a pack of malarkey. They could get these records, but they don’t want to.” keep reading

Here’s my take. Obama and Valerie Jarret got together with the IRS through backdoor channels or low level Obama minions and delayed these conservative groups status in a concerted effort to stop their effectiveness for the 2012 elections, thus ensuring a second term for Obama. Clear as day to me. What did he have to worry about, a Department of Justice probe?

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