Time For A Change

Time For A Change

There comes a time in every persons life where they feel a need to change, maybe lose some weight, quit smoking, stop being judgmental, just to name a few.

So maybe it’s time we draw this diversity experiment to a close, maybe it’s time for a change, maybe it’s time to leave the black communities to their own resources. Any business owned by a Caucasian are no longer welcome, stores, banks, fast food joints, TV stations, newspapers, etc.. White public servants or elected officials also gone. No white teachers, college professors, councilman, bus drivers, public works, lawyers,  the list goes on. I assume from their actions this is what is necessary for the communities well being.

But with the admission that black communities are to be run completely by blacks there will be this caveat, you run it, you keep it, and whatever becomes of the city or town, you stay in the location for life. You live in whatever Utopia that you create, as do your children and their childrens children. If this is what you demand then accept the consequences. How’s that for progressive thinking?

With the new change that you have demanded you also get too fix your own roads, teach your own schools, create your own business, and police your own town with no white people around to mess it all up. Congratulations, you get your wish.

Isn’t this what you want? Isn’t this what all the rioting and looting is all about, get rid of the white man? Isn’t that what Jesse and Al want? Well give ‘er a try and good luck but remember, this is your town now, you can’t leave. Sure you can visit other places, this is still America and you are free to travel, you just can’t move.

You are going to need a few entrepreneurs to start up some big box stores because places like Walmart and Home Depot are owned by…gasp…white people. So in closing, good luck we wish you well, and remember most white people won’t miss you either.

Postscript: Contrary to what you may think I am not racist, I’m just tired of all the tension and violence happening in this country for no other reason than to claim victim status backed by our POTUS and his minions. The divide is complete.


One thought on “Time For A Change

  1. Bravo, and well said. I would add that people could leave if they had a special pass, and escorts, but that would probably be draconian.

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