Dumb And Dumbererer

Dumb And Dumbererer

The marijuana experiment in Colorado was dumb. It does not stop drug dealers, it does not stop crime, in fact, it increases blackmarket sales due to the 33% tax imposed by the state. Pot smokers may be high and not very ambitious but they are frugal.

In this light, taxation is seen as a blunt instrument of exclusion, driving precisely the groups most prosecuted in the war on drug further into the arms of the black market. In one Denver dispensary, a $30 purchase of one-eighth of the Trinity strain of cannabis includes $7.38 in state and local taxes – a near 33% rate. As Larisa Bolivar, one of the city’s most well-known proponents of decriminalizing marijuana, puts it: that $7 buys someone lunch.

“It’s simple,” she says. “A high tax rate drives black market growth. It’s an incentive for risky behavior.”

Forget the fact pot is a gateway drug. Liberal politicians sold you a bag of goods, (pardon the pun), that has done nothing it claimed legalization would do. Any revenue they thought they would get is wiped out in law enforcement, rehab programs, and the red tape associated with a government program. Idiots.

It’s not hard to see where the logic is going. The thing is, legalization does nothing for Red Team or Blue Team. Both need an angle so they can pretend to be different. My guess is Red Team is going to be the tax collectors for the weed industry. The Blue Team will go the social justice route demand free weed and subsidies for the poor. Two decades ago, the ruler passed welfare reform which was supposed to start kicking loafers off the dole. Today, one third of the population is collecting. How long before they are giving away free weed in the ghetto? keep reading…

Speaking of dumb, this one was worth millions and he threw it all away for what?


5 thoughts on “Dumb And Dumbererer

  1. And now we have the same problem here in Washington State. Politicians never learn at all, at all. They just pontificate, prevaricate, and postulate about anything and everything that comes their way. And we, the ordinary citizens, wind up getting fucked and without even being kissed.

    1. Euri – Just as every victimized minority group goes they feel they have a “right” because some liberal idiots decided to make something legal that should have remained illegal, once the genie is out of the bottle it’s hard to put it back in.

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