3 thoughts on “Being President Seems To Interupt Obama

  1. “No shame, no clue, no character”. All true, but you should have added “no balls”. And as far as responsibility goes, The Ayatollah can’t even spell the word, much less know what it means.

    Regarding his golfing, I heard on the O’Reilly show last night that The Ayatollah has playd 8 times in the last 9 or 10 days, and that his golfing skill is very close to professional status. Big fucking deal! His presidential skill, what really matters today, is right down there in the very, very rank amateur status.

    1. Scottie – I have seen Obama’s swing, no way he will ever be a decent golfer. Sounds like somebody has been drinkin’ the Kim Jun Il koolaide.

      1. I only said what I herd on O’Reilly the other night. I haven’t played golf in about 25 years (the last time at the Casper, Wyoming Country Club in 1982) so I will bow to your knowledge on that, Jeffi. But, then in will never be anywhere a decent President, either. But we already know that, don’t we.

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