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Month: July 2017



The quest for power in Washington is a blood lust that can’t be satiated by the job they were elected to do. Pandering to their constituents with absolutely no intention of following through with campaign promises is the status quo for both parties.

They have their hands on the treasure of America, they have access to special interests that know how to circumvent ethics rules so they can line their pockets with riches well beyond their salaries. They vote themselves benefits that normal Americans would be thrilled with yet those benefits are for the well connected…not thee. Power

The government leviathan has built magnificent monuments and buildings over the years for the political elite to do their politicking. It allows the average citizen to stroll through and gaze at the wonder that has been constructed with their own taxes yet never invited to the backroom where their current collected revenue is being doled out to whatever agency or contractor that has donated to the their campaign.

You see, re-election is job one, the most important item on any politicians agenda. PowerViews of the interior of the United States Capitol Building, Washington, D.C., USA. MORE INFO The U.S. Capitol Building is the meeting place of the United States Congress, the legislature, and the federal government of the United States of America. Congres

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

The character of this current batch of politicians has been measured and found wanting, on both sides. Actions speak louder than words yet words is all we hear. It seems the only way anything gets done nowadays is when it benefits the politicians, not the American people. They talk a good talk but at the end of the day they spend like drunken sailors with no regard for fiscal responsibility. They peer out from their cherrywood appointed offices and scoff at the notion that the peasants have a say in the way things are done, they know better because they assume they are our betters. Power6498872387_ace7359bbc_b

Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” ― George Orwell1984

We as Americans have sat quietly by and allowed this monstrosity we call the Federal Government to expand and flourish. Politicians and their minions can get away with anything without the fear of repercussion. During the World Wars Americans believed that government had it’s best interests at heart, and without the benefit of information we have now, they were told by newspapers and the big three networks that all is well. Trust the system, be happy, pay your taxes, all is well. Power

With the information highway we can now see what our vaunted elected officials are really up to and it ain’t pretty, but here we are. Changes need to happen, it started with Americans who could see the destruction that Washington was doing and turned their back on the status quo. We elected an individual who is brass, egotistical, and lacking in the art of political articulation. Good. We have had enough of the silver tongued devils telling us all is well.

America needed a Trump, and after him, another one more brash and louder than he is. Nothing will fix the problems in Washington with both party’s having brunch and making deals together because they don’t have Americas best interest in mind, they are just playing cards with taxpayer money and splitting the pot at the end. As long as the house keeps handing them more money they keep playing because the only one losing is the house, it goes against all the rules you know about gambling because the house always wins….unless the game is rigged. Powerus-capitol-east-front-sunny-day

So give it up kids, game over. If for some reason you held out hope that things will change the more they remain the same.

See: Repeal and Replace Obamacare.


Two Years To Sunset……Idiots

Two Years To Sunset……Idiots

Looks like the GOP is going to take a run at repeal of Obamacare with a two year sunset window.

They have had 8 years.

They campaigned on free market policies for healthcare.

Now we get two years for Americans not covered by a group policy, (like myself), to blow in the wind of unfulfilled promises and hope like hell we don’t have a major health issue. Dropping the replacement plan may or may not be a good thing but failing to come up with a Plan B is insane.

If they were required to purchase their own health insurance through the individual market they may have taken a better swing at this.

Thanks asshats.theo4

Simple, Offer Options

Simple, Offer Options

“Proposed law: “Notwithstanding any other provision of federal or state law, it shall be lawful to purchase or sell any health insurance product in the United States of America.”

Skip the repeal—so there’s nothing for leftist ruffians to protest—and just give the rest of us the option of escaping Obamacare to buy health insurance the same way we buy everything else. Only a free market can guarantee good products at good prices.”


“Instead of throwing off the shackles of these commissions and giving us a nationwide free market in health insurance, Obamacare imposed one enormous federal shackle.

As a result, “health insurance” under Obamacare isn’t insurance at all—it’s the government forcing us to pay for other people’s health care through ghastly insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays in exchange for highly limited health insurance for ourselves.

Trump ought to be using the flaming wreckage of Obamacare to illustrate what’s wrong with all Soviet five-year plans. It could be as iconic as Reagan’s Berlin Wall speech. Teenagers would vote Republican for the next 70 years—80 or 90 years, if they could finally buy decent health insurance.”    Here….

The Coming Storm

The Coming Storm

Inhabitants of ivory towers, however, have no cause for panic. Why would they? After all, their basic instincts never developed due to lack of any adversity in their lives. They are propelled through life by the dubious virtue of their relations, connections and inheritances, all without a care in the world. For entirety of their existence, they have never left the sterile comfort of boardrooms, villas, conference halls, luxurious hotels and posh restaurants.


Here’s the trick: these creatures do not know the world they live in—at all. They spend their lives surrounded by yes-men and servants, mingle with the vacuous and hypocritical “cream of society,” and keep contact with the outside only through mediums and filters. Lack of genuine human interaction, combined with an extremely decadent lifestyle and delusions of grandeur has culminated in them developing a completely demented view of reality.


Here lie the roots of their adherence to lurid ideologies and worldviews, as inability to understand the human mind results in total absence of empathy and tendency to view people as mindless cattle. Some, owing to their religious belief, openly think so. Their solution for the unruly masses is always the same—yet another economic crisis to send everyone scurrying. This time, however, they are in for a surprise.     Here….


By slowly force-feeding the whole world a dish poisoned with apathy and degeneration, the “elites” have inadvertently taken a large bite themselves. Their arrogance, complacency and hubristic belief that things are always going according to plan will be their downfall, because the people’s anger has reached a fever pitch.

Parasites will be excised, filth will be cleansed, justice will be meted out and a new golden age for the West will dawn.

For the future belongs to us, and it will be glorious.

Rules Of Political Engagement

Rules Of Political Engagement

“Nothing is proven yet. But we’re beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what’s being investigated,” Kaine said. “This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason.” _ Sen. Tim Kaine (D-ickhead)

So Junior meets with a pal of a pal with the promise of dirt on Hillary, turns out no dirt, no big deal. Wrong Big Deal.

Just as the Russia-palooza tour was dying down Junior gets his hand caught in the cookie jar, no cookie, but he left a mess of crumbs for the Democrats and their propaganda machine CNNMSNBCABCCBS to continue the attack. I don’t know what the kid was thinking but he did his Dad no favors.

That’s the thing about politics, it’s not a fist fight, it’s mud slinging all the while claiming the high moral ground. Junior may have done nothing wrong, but look at the fire storm it’s created, they can now put a Trump in contact with a Russian…boom, they have their mud. Lefties are giddy over this turn of events even in their own mind they know they would do the same thing. 

“We need public testimony under oath of Donald Trump Jr. who has changed his story repeatedly,” Schumer told reporters Tuesday.

He added that Trump Jr. and members of the Trump campaign need to “turn over any and all documents” requested by either special counsel Robert Mueller, the Senate Intelligence Committee or the Senate Judiciary Committee, which are each investigating Russia’s election interference. _ Sen. Chuckie Schumer (D-NY)

The point I’m trying to make is Trump and his team have to be smarter than this. The political rules of engagement are different than the private sector because there are no repercussions for politicians, a business can be sued for slander but politicians can say anything they want. Throwing the word “Treason” out there is fighting words where I come from yet Schumer and Kaine see no problem with it, it’s like “racist” or “homophobe”, it’s a handful of mud thrown to see what sticks.

Liberals and the media have it in for this President, Trump took down the Queen Bee and supposed first female POTUS. Trump is reversing a shit load of Obama’s presidency and the progressives pet projects. Liberals got their trophies while Obama was in office, put them up on the mantle, polished them, and turned them into a shrine of liberal dogma, and now someone is taking them away. THEY ARE PISSED. Throw in the Jon McCain’s of the political spectrum and the shrews looking for the next mud puddle are endless. Trump has got to be smarter.

Putting your kids and their significant others out there in the political arena isn’t very smart, this isn’t Trump & Sons Construction, this is a large portion of the Washington machine and their minions finding ways to bring you down. Trump has done an amazing job surrounding himself with great people and has been surprisingly adept at the mud slinging thing, but political novices like Junior are best left in charge of the construction company, not meeting Russian lawyers for whatever reason.

Buh Bye

Buh Bye

And there you have it, hockey stick boy is as legit as clock boy.

Penn State climate scientist, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann commits contempt of court in the ‘climate science trial of the century.’ Prominent alarmist shockingly defies judge and refuses to surrender data for open court examination. Only possible outcome: Mann’s humiliation, defeat and likely criminal investigation in the U.S.

The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball (above, right) is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a “hoax.”

Every argument about climate change was based on Mr. Mann’s falsified data, turn out the lights, game over.


HT Ace

“Few And Defined”

“Few And Defined”

James Madison wrote, “The powers delegated by the proposed constitution to the federal government are few and defined.”

“Far from the independence sought by the Founders, a plurality – if not an outright majority – of Americans sees government not as a fearful servant and a dangerous master, but as the be-all and end-all for every purpose; a wellspring of Free Shit, the key to obtaining ever-increasing portions of someone else’s stuff.

Stossel rightly points out that our system and the Constitution that defines it is still the best system on Earth, but that’s more a condemnation of the rest of the planet than a glowing recommendation of how the United States is governed today.  How has it come to this?”   Here…





If you grew up in the seventies as I did this was a staple of your 8-track collection, still going after all these years. I don’t know how many 50 somethings are in the audience, just goes to show how timeless music can be. H/T Ace for the clip