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Month: March 2017

The New Normal Should Not Be Normal

The New Normal Should Not Be Normal

“London is a city so desperate to be seen as tolerant, no news of the injured was released. No clue about who was safe or not.

Liberals convince themselves multiculturalism works because we all die together, too.

An entire city of monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Blind. Deaf. And dumb.

These people may have left their lands. But they have brought every tension, every conflict, every bit of fight here with them.

The Afghans hate the Somalias who loathe the Eritreans. As it was before, it is now. London is a city of ghettos behind a thin veneer of civility kept polished by a Muslim mayor whose greatest validation is his father’s old job.

Son-of-a-bus-driver Sadiq.

I see him now, penning a missive about how London is a beautiful and tolerant city, how we are united by shared values and understanding, and how we will not be cowed by terror.

Sure enough, there he was, saying exactly that, just now. Fool.”    Keep reading….

“The Forced Welfare Expansion Act”

“The Forced Welfare Expansion Act”


Thus, roughly 81% of the newly insured people in 2016 were simply given free insurance which everyone else funded. How is that a success? A successful reform would have seen people affording their own private health insurance – when and only IF they wanted it – because the product would have gotten better, cheaper, or both. Instead, since that wasn’t accomplished, Obamacare simply pushed people into government-run insurance to pretend it had “solved” the problem. It was called “The AFFORDABLE Care Act,” but a more appropriate name would have been “The Forced Welfare Expansion Act.”
———————- Found here….




Time To Thin The Herd

Time To Thin The Herd

Our government started with roughly 50 employees in three departments. All government employees, which numbered nearly 4 million in 1939, number over 22 million today, with nearly three million federal employees and the rest state and local (and that excludes military).


The overwhelming majority of those federal employees who donated to a presidential campaign, more than 95 percent, gave money to Hillary Clinton. Ninety-nine percent of contributions from State Department employees went to Clinton in the 2016 elections. You can be sure they aren’t excited to be working for Trump.  keep reading….



Trumps travel ban an attempt to keep terrorists out for the safety of the country, Muslim countries ban Israelis yet the media looks the other way.tumblr_on06fepnV31w3ciqto1_500

When The Adults Take The Toys Away

When The Adults Take The Toys Away

Tillerson was asked by an IJR writer about what exactly he plans to do now that the media has been barred from the world-traveling plane. He responded by saying “I will now spend time working and doing what a Secretary of State should do, I wasn’t hired to do interviews, I was hired to be a diplomat”.

This will be vastly different from previous administrations, which tended to have lengthy, fruitless discussions with the news outlets.


Tillerson defended himself in an interview explaining how major news outlets already have bureau offices in the countries he is visiting. Tillerson told the press, “They have bureau offices. They have people there. So it’s not like they can’t cover what’s happening there. The only thing that’s missing is the chance to talk and more in the air.”

Ahhhh….common sense, I thought that’s what that was.

Liberals hate common sense, especially the liberal media cry babies.

The U.S. diplomatic press corps was deeply angered when the Department of State announced it did not intend on bringing any members of the press corps aboard the secretary’s aircraft. “The State Department Correspondents’ Association is disappointed that Secretary Tillerson chose to travel this week to North Asia without a full contingent of the diplomatic press corps or even a pool reporter,” the group said in a statement.

Tillerson defended his action, saying, “There’s this long tradition that the Secretary spends time on the plane with the press. I don’t know that I’ll do a lot of that. I’m just not … that’s not the way I tend to work. That’s not the way I tend to spend my time. I spend my time working on this airplane.”

Mexico Governors Demand “Rights” For Illegals In US

Mexico Governors Demand “Rights” For Illegals In US

The head of Mexico’s governors’ association will lodge a complaint with the Organization of American States Saturday accusing President Trump of human rights violations, demanding the OAS help ensure protections for migrants facing raids or deportation from the U.S.

The Washington Times goes on to report that the complaint will be delivered personally, and that the governors also issued a lot of palaver about the economic importance of the border, meaning, open border on the north side (just try to get past a Mexican immigration officer without papers going south) as somehow necessary for both countries.

So now the big concern for the OAS is “human rights” according to these governors. Not the human rights of having to live in Mexico, which is so corrupt and crime-ridden that schoolyard kids are exposed to beheadings, the Mexico of hanging bodies on bridges, or the Mexico of mass graves, often of migrants. Or, the Mexico where governors are found complicit at least in the mass disappearance of college students, as happened a couple years ago. No, the human rights violation here is the election of Donald Trump, his effort to enforce U.S. law and apparently, a newly carved out human “right” to be an illegal immigrant with no detention.  keep reading….


For comparison, below is a story from a few years back about an American working LEGALLY in Mexico and the hoops you have to jump through to LEGALLY work in Mexico. Obviously the “Rights” these governors of Mexico are worried about are very one sided.


I spent five years working in Mexico.

I worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months. After that you were working illegally. I was technically illegal for three weeks waiting on the FM3 approval.

During that six months our Mexican and US Attorneys were working to secure a permanent work visa called a FM3. It was in addition to my US passport that I had to show each time I entered and left the country. Barbara’s was the same except hers did not permit her to work.

To apply for the FM3 I needed to submit the following notarized originals (not copies) of my:

1. Birth certificates for Barbara and me.

2. Marriage certificate.

3. High school transcripts and proof of graduation.

4. College transcripts for every college I attended and proof of graduation.

5. Two letters of recommendation from supervisors I had worked for at least one year.

6. A letter from The ST. Louis Chief of Police indicating I had no arrest record in the US and no outstanding warrants and was “a citizen in good standing.”

7. Finally; I had to write a letter about myself that clearly stated why there was no Mexican citizen with my skills and why my skills were important to Mexico. We called it our “I am the greatest person on earth” letter. It was fun to write.

All of the above were in English that had to be translated into Spanish and be certified as legal translations and our signatures notarized. It produced a folder about 1.5 inches thick with English on the left side and Spanish on the right.

Once they were completed Barbara and I spent about five hours accompanied by a Mexican attorney touring Mexican government office locations and being photographed and fingerprinted at least three times. At each location (and we remember at least four locations) we were instructed on Mexican tax, labor, housing, and criminal law and that we were required to obey their laws or face the consequences.  keep reading….

Swamp Monsters

Swamp Monsters

Trump sends his proposed budget to congress, cuts are deep and painful, which is exactly as they should be. Supposed friend and foe alike stomping their little feet in temper tantrums.

Many of Trump’s budget proposals are likely to run into stiff resistance from lawmakers on Capitol Hill, even from Republicans, whose support is crucial because they must vote to authorize government appropriations. Republicans have objected, for example, to the large cuts in foreign aid and diplomacy that Trump has foreshadowed, and his budget whacks foreign aid programs run by the Education, State and Treasury departments, among others.

“The administration’s budget isn’t going to be the budget,” said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). “We do the budget here. The administration makes recommendations, but Congress does budgets.”


“I think one of the reasons they’re proposing them [big spending cuts] is that they know they won’t ever get through Congress,” said Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.). “They know they’d be a disaster for their own party if they did. It makes for a great talking point. It actually fits on a tweet.”

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“This is a budget that pulled the rug out from working families and hurts the very people who President Trump promised to stand up for in rural America and in small towns,” said Melissa Boteach, vice president of the poverty to prosperity program at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank in Washington.

whaaa2yepper 3


The official said workers at the agency Thursday morning were feeling “demoralized” and “worried.”

“This is just a tough, tough time,” the official said. “HUD is no different than any other domestic agency in just feeling as though these cuts are all very arbitrary and unnecessary.”


How To Pick A Fight With A Liberal 101

How To Pick A Fight With A Liberal 101



“Let me preface this by saying I have friends that are cucks. I don’t hold it against them. I tend to believe they will come to their senses one day.

So I am talking with one of my cuck friends that is a Facebook shill reposting a bunch of Huffington articles. I was talking to him about his kids and school and which school they are going to attend because they go to private schools. He starts talking shit about Trump and Betsy DeVos and how they are going to ruin the school systems. And I say, “well you made your decision to go to private schools long before Trump and DeVos had any influence.” He chuckles sheepishly and says the public schools in his area suck.

So I give him a little shit and say, “Oh yeah, so you are all about open borders as long as those kids don’t go to the same schools as your kids.”


“Fake American”

And this guy that I knew and loved absolutely loses his shit on me. I am talking epic meltdown. I thought at one point he was literally going to attack me.

So I started dropping the label “fake American” every chance I got when I knew I was talking to a leftie, in a very casual sarcastic joking manner. And you know what? Sure as shit, each and every one of them had a strong visceral response – they were TRIGGERED!”    keep reading…..

via American Digest side bar