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Month: March 2017

I Fought The Law…

I Fought The Law…

Elected officials be it judges or politicians who obstruct law enforcement are breaking the law and their oath of office and should be removed from office……..period.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.


Massachusetts State Representative, Michelle Dubois took to Facebook to warn illegal aliens that ICE would be doing raids in the community of Brockton on Wednesday, March 29th. Regardless of her “Update” trying to weasel out of what she had done the fact of the matter is she is alerting illegals to pending law enforcement actions.IMG_2727

Paying For The Happy Ending

Paying For The Happy Ending

That’s why reforming health care has become an impossibility. As soon as anyone makes any noises about fixing the system, the army of lobbyists, hired by every vested interest, shows up to bury the reformers. If they are not able to kill the idea of reform entirely, they set about corrupting it into another grift that their clients can use to get a free shot at your wallet. The only people not represented in these efforts are the voters. They get no say.    here…..

Sky Rockets In Flight

Sky Rockets In Flight


There is no other consumer good or service whose price has increased over the last 20 years that even comes close to the soaring cost of college tuition and college textbooks, which have both tripled in price and increased by 200% since 1996.

Healthcare and college are two of the most inflated industries in this country as well as two of the biggest industries in which government is heavily involved. Coincidence? I think not. found here….

So you can buy a kazillion inch TV on welfare but it costs you a kazillion dollars for a college education. Feature or bug?

Keeping the underclass entertained and manipulated while insuring the elite and their kids have a greater shot at success and maintaining power. 

Same thing with healthcare, keeping the middle class crippled with terrible insurance while elites get the best plans and doctors, and welfare recipients get their insurance for free paid by……..the middle class.

See where this is going??



Allegiance To An Ideology

Allegiance To An Ideology

“Democrats have become radicalized by the left. This doesn’t just mean that they pursue all sorts of bad policies. It means that their first and foremost allegiance is to an ideology, not the Constitution, not our country or our system of government. All of those are only to be used as vehicles for their ideology.

 That’s why compromise has become impossible.”    keep reading….

The Great American Tragedy

The Great American Tragedy

“I’m sensitive to the damage a sheltered life can cause, and I do my best to foster independence where I can. For example, when I take my 5 year old to the supermarket, I let him roam about the store eating sample and searching the discount fruit bin for good deals while talking to employees and sometimes strangers.

This never fails to cause some well-meaning adult to inform me that I’ve lost my kid. “No,” I tell them. “he knows where to find me.” I usually receive disapproving looks. I wonder what they’d think of my mom, who’d let my brother and I wander off into the toy aisle while she grocery shopped in peace, tasking us with the responsibility to catch up with her at the checkout line when she was finished. They’d likely call the cops on her today.

It seems that no matter what I do to give my kids more freedom, I’m stymied by other adults. I used to walk my little one into preschool, open the locked, coded door for him, then kiss him goodbye. It was then up to him to hang his coat, fish his folder out of his backpack, wash his hands and make his way into class.

That is, it was up to him until a couple of months ago when one of his teachers got upset after finding him “wandering the hallway alone” and asked that I escort him into class. “Otherwise,” she said, “we could get into trouble.”

And so my 5 year old had even that small bit of freedom yanked from him. I’m annoyed, but I don’t blame the preschool. Everyone is terrified of being sued.”    keep reading…

Crossing Guards

Crossing Guards

Growing up in small town America in the 70’s we never locked our doors at night, as a matter of fact I never had a house key as a kid, didn’t need one. If I remember right we had a key hidden at the back door by the rock next to the first bush left side of the door under a potted plant, the only potted plant in that area. Basically if you were a thief looking for the house key my folks all but laid out a map. I think the only time the house was locked was when we left town and the key was for the neighbor to feed the dog.312ac9cf3439eb8d1ba0b92a297c89bd

We didn’t have adult crossing guards, in elementary school the fifth graders were given the task of getting kids across the streets safely. I guess school officials figured 10 year olds were bright enough to know how to shuttle the urchins back and forth at the crossings. It was considered quite the honor to be the crossing guard, to wear the orange vest with the hand held stop sign, it was a big deal.
What a small but meaningful way to understand responsibility, I don’t recall anyone ever getting hit at a crossing and we had some damn
busy roads.

We didn’t havcover_9360912e cops in our schools, there was no need. The teachers and staff were there to handle any problems but we didn’t need law enforcement. High school kids would skip class, smoke in the parking lot and get in fights but it was all handled by the students themselves or the teachers. It was innocent and obnoxious trouble making but we never wished we had a cop around.

We were raised to not be afraid, to be responsible, and have the ability to handle our own problems. We learned that the society we lived in had laws and we were taught to adhere to those laws or face the consequences. There were also the unspoken rules, respect your elders, hold a door open for the ladies, don’t hit girls, and don’t swear in front of Mom.
We lived by the rules, didn’t seem that difficult.

When people don’t abide by the laws of the land and choose to not follow the rules then society breaks down. When a Mohamed shoots up a company Christmas party, or a couple of illegal immigrant adult males rape a 14 year old girl, or a black man attacks a cop after robbing a store, you kinda get the feeling that society has got a problem. But here’s a little secret, Mohamed, Jose, and Deontre’ don’t care about the rules. Each individual was raised a certain way and follows the rules they have learned from childhood to adult, the individuals mentioned above obviously didn’t learn the same lessons as I did growing up.

These are the people that liberals put on a pedestal, the kind of people liberals don’t want banned, the kind of people that liberals want crossing our borders, the kind of people that are the handiwork of our union run public schools, the kind of people who don’t follow our laws because they have their own culture that has it’s own laws.

We used to have wonderful country where for the most part, other than the crazies, people followed societies laws whether written or unspoken. Unfortunately our elected officials have chosen that diversity is the future regardless of the casualties.

We lock our doors now, even when we’re home.