8 thoughts on “Wishful Thinking

  1. If I’m not mistaken, Alcatraz is free for use with lots and lots of available space for the gangsters in The Ayatollah Obama regime.
    (I refuse to call that abomination “an administration” because the word “administration” implies something that is open and more or less above board – something that The Ayatollah Obama government is not at all, at all.)

    1. Scottie – Guantanamo would be better. And yes, it’s difficult giving this administration any respect.

      1. You’re right, Jeffi. I hadn’t thought of Guantanamo when I wrote the above. If the Ayatollah Obama and his gang of hoodlums were sent there, they would be among their friends, bosom buddies, if you will, in their stay there. But Alcatraz, being where it is located in San Francisco Bay, is subject to all kinds of bad weather so the stay there would be somewhat more unpleasant than Guantanamo would be, especially if someone “neglected” to turn on the heat.

        1. Scottie – Good point. A cold summer would be perfect for the corrupt bastards who thought they had everything.

          1. Maybe another good spot for The Ayatollah and his gang of hoodlums would be in the Sweetgrass Hills in north central Montana, where I grew up. They are just a few miles south of the Canadian border and about 80 or so miles east of Glacier Park. The wind rarely, if ever, quits and the winters get to the 50-below zero range. And the Sweetgrass Hills are about 40 miles from the closest town of any size. An added bonus to jab The Ayatollah in the butt is that the Hills are close to the oldest oil field in Montana, the Cut Bank oil fields. And we all know how much the Ayatollah hates anything to do with oil.

            Except, of course, when it is used to fuel Air Force One for his regular twice-a-month vacations top wherever at our expense.

          2. Scottie – At this point I would be happy with impeachment versus imprisonment, even though he deserves both.

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