4 thoughts on “Mooch Enjoying Her China Vacation

  1. The conversion of America from a thriving Capitalist 1st class nation to a Communist 3rd world sewer in the name of “economic equalization” is becoming more and more overt.



    1. Toejam – I certainly believe we are headed down the worm hole, and I don’t necessarily think it will change with Republicans in charge. All the money has corrupted even the most credible right leaning republican.

      1. I have to agree with Toejam on this. In today’s Washington, DC, where common sense goes to die, the Republican Party, under the “leadership” of Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority leader McConnell, is nothing more than the right-leaning branch of the Democrat Party. If the Republican “leadership” had been doing their jobs, the Tea Party would not have been necessary. As far as the so-called “relationship” between the Republican Party and the Tea Party goes, the Tea Party is the adult here.

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