One thought on “Remember That One Time…..

  1. Yeah, I remember a Buncha stuff I watched happen. Like, do you remember back in the 60s when They Announced that the schools were broken? Yeah,, America was KikkinAss, the most patents,well educated people, just KikkinAss!! But THEY said the schools are broken, But, Not to Worry, we can FixEm.. So they changed things, and the next standardized testing cycle showed a downturn in abilities,, so They said, we will FixIt! And They made More changes.. And No, THEY didn’t undo ANY of the first changes that CAUSED a downturn.
    I remember watching the news and realizing
    They are doing this on purpose.
    Don’t believe me? Check out Charlotte Iserbyt, author of
    The Deliberate dumbing down of America.
    She has YouTube videos. She was in a position to know, #2 in education. I appreciate that she came forward, but why did she not stop it, or even try to? She says her dad was a big-time mason.

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