8 thoughts on “Heels Up At It Again

  1. Are you really surprised?!?!? the left loathes the military like the police because they have standards and hold people accountable. They want no rules and no judgment.

  2. she’s an impressive woman imo. she was unliked so much in the democratic primary she was out early yet still got the vp slot and is now very likely to be installed as president in the next three years.
    she did all that by whoring herself out to one guy in san francisco decades ago. there are so many other women out there that have whored themselves out multiple times and never got anywhere, she did that one time and will make the white house. she should be a hero to all women and what they can accomplish when the whore themselves out wisely.

  3. Offspring of an Indian woman and a Jamaican man, born in California, citizen by fortunate accident, and raised in Canada. This woman has no cultural connection to the United States. None at all.

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