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Tag: Kamala

Not My Problem

Not My Problem

So, you’re a barista with a problem – you took out $200K student loans to get that master’s degree from Gumbo State in “LGBTQ2#v& Experiences as Reflected in 17th Century Bolivian Folk Songs” and now you can’t find an uncaffeinated career. Worse, those fascist monsters who you took money from based on your agreement to pay it back with interest now expect you to pay the money back with interest despite the fact that you really don’t feel like it anymore.

Well, I have a fresh solution to this crisis.

It’s an innovative strategy that totally and permanently resolves this problem in a new and exciting way.


Here goes.

How about you pay your own student debt?

That’s it. It’s as elegant as it is simple. You. Pay. Your. Own. Debts.

If you follow this bold, one-step program – the one step is you paying your debts – then you will eventually be debt-free. And best of all, I won’t have to pay any of your debts.

See, a lot of Democrat politicians are promising “free college,” but what they really mean is “free for you.” Someone has to pay, and that someone is me, and I need to level with you.

I am not interested in paying for your college.    keep reading…..