8 thoughts on “Crazy Train

  1. The Golden Gate Bridge needs to be decorated with piƱatas made from the corpses of every Leftist pol in Kalifornistan, as does every landmark across the country.

  2. Congress hasn’t missed a paycheck yet. Just like most of the other government employees across the country. We are not all in this together. It is us versus them. They get to pick and choose who to reward. We just have to deal with it.

  3. And not a single one of those fuckers has been laid off. We didn’t start this mess but we sure as hell are being punished for it. Goes along with my comment on the previous post.

  4. The government as well as the police are not your, our, friends. They never were. They never will be. Look at the numbers where does the remaining 700 billion dollars go? People get it together. Now!

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