10 thoughts on “What Would It Take?

    1. Of course they know, they just don’t care. They know that people ultimately accept just about everything. Look at everything that the American public has already accepted: the gutting of the First and Second Amendments over decades; income tax; FDR abolishing private ownership of gold; Prohibition; Kung Flu lockdowns, and the resultant devastation of small business, savings, and the economy in general; etc. They know, not think, *KNOW* that the critical mass of people won’t do anything this time around, either.

      Sure, there will probably be a few one-offs that accomplish nothing of consequence, and there might even be some organized stuff that hurts them minimally, but that will only serve as the catalyst for more draconian stuff.

      The battle cry of the Right/TradAms was always “This is not the hill to die on.” And now, there are no more hills.

  1. We are Fat Americans and have allowed the Liberal Agenda to Get Out if Control!Trump was our saving grace and many of our Republican Brothers in Washington are Whores who Sold is out!!!!

    They will pay for this despicable act of Treason next time they are up for their Election!

    Term Limits on All! In

  2. I can’t answer this since I don’t and will never have Twitter. However, in general, I don’t think it would take much more. People, some from the left, are quickly reaching their limit.

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