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It’s mesmerizing really. I have been watching the clown show that is Donald Trump for years and I have to admit I have a problem…..I can’t stop. Unlike Joe Bidesc_2729n who blurts out shit off script and has a trove of minions explaining what he really meant after the fact, The Donald blurts out what he is thinking and makes no apologies for saying so.

It’s a guilty pleasure and I get a kick out of it. He says what every conservative is thinking themselves but dare not speak the words. Don’t get me wrong here Trump would not make a good President, his ego alone would alienate half of Washington in the first week. But admit it, it’s refreshing to see someone say what needs to be said. It may be grating, it may be insulting, it may even be embarrassing, but he has the balls to say it and own it. No caving in or folding to political correctness just balls to the walls with what he considers to be true.

This should make the debates quite entertaining, I have a feeling Trump may get frustrated and inadvertently drop an f-bomb, but wouldn’t that be worth the price of admission? Wouldn’t you love to hear Trump tell a debate opponent they “don’t know what the fuck they are talking about”. He may not be Presidential in his presentation, but if he continues to say things that put liberals/RHINOS/Geraldos into convulsions frantically putting on their PC police badges denouncing Trump as racist then sign me up as a fan.

I didn’t say I would vote for him, but I’m a Trumpaholic, and the first step is admitting you have a problem.