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Tag: decay

Rats In The Cellar

Rats In The Cellar

I lol whenever I see Huma’s Vedic mug; what else can you do? She’s the type of craven creature that can only come to exist in a late-era, openly distressed bureaucracy. Nakedly power hungry, Machiavellian, completely indifferent to the struggles of the Historic American Nation. Just a wicked, black-eyed, soulless political climber who happens to be one of the most powerful advisors in the world. Do you think she has the interests of the farmer in Kansas foremost in her mind? Does she get a patriotic rush when poring over America’s storied history or take pride upon hearing a a perfect pitch rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner? Is there any doubt that every thought that crosses her mind in relation to the American people is overtly hostile?      Here….

Driving Miss Crazy

Driving Miss Crazy

Hillary got rich, Bill got laid, republican virtue got screwed. Like the sickly leaders of late-Soviet politburos, both appear older and feebler than their years: once the star performer of the double-act, Bill staggers around like the Blowjob of Dorian Grey; the life has all but literally been sucked out of him. His straight-woman, once the reliably stolid, stone-faced Margaret Dumont of his cigar-waggling routine, now has to be propped up on street bollards and fed lines by her medical staff. When she shuts down and she’s out cold, who’s driving the pantsuit? Huma? Cheryl? Podesta? Bill and Hillary have been consumed by their urges. America would be electing the Walking Dead, insatiable and fatal to the touch, but utterly hollow.    Here….

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Talking Points

Talking Points

Podesta email;

 And here is Cher being the useful idiot that she is;

Cher opened her remarks at a Hillary Clinton fundraiser by unloading a freewheeling barrage of insults at Donald Trump comparing him to Hitler and saying he reminded her of the actress who played a murdering child in the film, “The Bad Seed.” She later added: “He doesn’t mean we want to make America great again. He means we want to make America straight and white.” She also said that she was reminded of “despots, you know Stalin and Hitler.”

Now Hillary;


The Hustle

The Hustle

I’d offer a more sober interpretation. What happened in the late 80’s is that so-called conservative intellectuals figured out they could get as fabulously rich as their liberal buddies by slapping the word “conservative” on just about anything and selling it to decent people, claiming the proceeds were going to finance the fight against the Left. The reason the Dirt People are pissed off is they have finally wised up to the fact it was all just a hustle. They’re pissed because they were made to look like fools by people they trusted.   here….

Promises In The Dark

Promises In The Dark

“I had nothing to do with that.”_ Obama regarding health insurance skyrocketing premiums

It was a flat out lie and he had everything to do with it. You don’t get to wash your hands of your signature law when it fails. These people face zero consequences for their actions, he will be out of office in a few months living off of his pension, speeches, with all of his healthcare paid for the rest of his life, along with his family.

The average Joe who doesn’t get coverage from his employer but makes over fifty grand can’t afford private insurance or Obamacare and gets penalized for not having it.

Now the asshat designer of Obamacare says their is nothing wrong with the law, they just need to make the penalties stiffer to force people to buy Obamacare regardless of the costs.

On Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” MIT Economics Professor and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber argued that “The law is working as designed. However, it could work better. And I think probably the most important thing experts would agree on is that, we need a larger mandate penalty.”

 I can’t repeat this enough. A short rope and a tall tree will stop 100% of these idiots playing with our lives.

Words Matter

Words Matter

“We need to clean this up,” top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills told campaign chairman John Podesta in an email a month before Clinton’s campaign officially launched. She was responding to Obama’s claim that he found out about Clinton’s personal email address at “the same time everybody else learned it through news reports.”    here….

“He has emails from her – they do not say,” Mills told Podesta.

The email came less than a week after the New York Times broke the story on Clinton’s use of a private email address to conduct official State Department business.

Subsequent interviews by the FBI in the course of its probe into Clinton’s email practices revealed that Obama had emailed Clinton at her personal address using a pseudonym.

Two days after Mills’ email, White House press secretary Josh Earnest acknowledged that Obama had emailed Clinton at her personal address, but said that was consistent with his public remarks.

“The point that the president was making is not that he didn’t know Secretary Clinton’s email address, he did,” Earnest said. “But he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act.”

Josh Ernst is lying

Obama is lying…again, on camera. You decide.

Pushing The Limits Of Sanity

Pushing The Limits Of Sanity

This is why we can’t have nice things. $100+ thousand per year, vacation pay, health care, pension, all on the taxpayers dime.  from Weasel Zippers

The Environmental Protection Agency is looking to hire 15 “Diversity and Inclusion Specialists,” each of whom will make $100,000 or more per year.

The agency will hire employees to set up diversity and inclusion “advisory bodies” across the country, according to a government job posting.

“Earth Day is every day at EPA!” the agency said. “At EPA, you can protect human health and the environment of all Americans, and you’ll discover that EPA is one great place to work!”

“We offer great benefits and work flexibilities, and our diverse workforce connects to more than just a career—we share a common passion to promote a cleaner, healthier environment,” the EPA said.

The salary range for Diversity and Inclusion Specialists is between $99,785 and $146,570 per year. If all 15 positions are filled, the hires would cost taxpayers between $1,496,775 and $2,198,550 each year.

Below is the job description. Spending like drunken sailors is an understatement, this is flat out progressive looting of the treasury. 
The employees will be in charge of implementing a “diversity strategy” within the EPA’s Office of Research and Development. Other duties include analyzing recruitment and retention, as well as setting up diversity and inclusion advisory boards.
Just hang one, that’s all it would take and this shit would end.epa-2-tmagsf
She Will Have Her Revenge……

She Will Have Her Revenge……

….just wait.

Hillary Clinton is the very definition of morally bankrupt. If she she didn’t have money and power she’d probably be one of those women who have their husband killed for the life insurance. She’s drunk on power and all that that implies, and if she gets the power of the Presidency, her wrath will have no bounds. Her disdain for the unwashed masses was well publicized with the “deplorable” comment and it doesn’t matter what flavor of middle class you be, liberal or conservative, she’s an equal opportunity bitch. 

She will be the queen of the liberal elite of the East and Left Coast and will bring her own version of revenge down on the miserable underclass purely out of spite, it’s what she does, ask Bills lady friends.  And you dumb ass useful idiots who got her elected will be in the same boat as the rest of us, if you’re not in the inner circle of elites, the only thing that matters is your tax contribution, and you’re gonna be contributing a lot more. If you think for one second she’s going to tax the rich your out of your mind, she would be biting the hand that feeds her.

So for all of you pious ass hats that didn’t vote for Trump out of principle enjoy the consequences, with Hillary, nobody gets out unscathed. When your heath care premiums are more than your house payment, ya can’t bitch. When your train explodes because there were a few bad Mohamads in a batch of Syrian refugees, ya can’t bitch. When your job is outsourced to Mexico, ya can’t bitch. When the economy is thrown into chaos and the EBT cards stop working, ya can’t bitch when DeRay and DeShon show up angry and hungry at your front door….

When your daughters raped…
When your guns are taken….
When your money’s worthless….

When your church is fire bombed and religion banned…..
When your parents kick you out because they can’t afford you…..

When you can’t say anything against the state because free speech is outlawed….
When you can’t read the store front because it’s in Spanish….you….can’t…..bitch.

As for Hillary, after she has destroyed what’s left of the country, she will take the billions stolen/extorted in political graft and head to a tropical local far from the country she and Obama left in flames, and she will have her revenge.52025108




Push Back

Push Back

As for Islamophobia: if your religion espouses the destruction of my culture and the murder of my coreligionists, you are damned straight going to get push-back from me. If you want to call it a phobia, then it is a rational phobia based on the very real, documented events that threaten my culture and my life.

But a more accurate term would be self-interest, or self-defense. But that’s just me.   Here…..