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Tag: congress

Obama’s $40.00 Savings for Middle Class

Obama’s $40.00 Savings for Middle Class

Remember back in December when Obama was blathering about the 40 dollars a week the republicans are prying away from the middle class if they did not pass the payroll tax cut? (Republicans wanted to pass the tax cut but democrats had an unemployment extension added in the package.)

Let’s assume you fill your tank once a week and the tank holds 30 gallons. The price of gas per gallon during that time was $3.30, it is now $4.70 per gallon depending where you live. So Obama’s payroll tax cut is wiped out by his disregard for gas prices, and we still get the unemployment extensions added to the national debt. HOW DID THAT FEEL?



La Raza…You Have Got To Be Kidding

La Raza…You Have Got To Be Kidding

I can’t believe these piece of shit leaders we have are doing this. La Raza is the spanish movement to get the land back from the Hidalgo Agreement, which is Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and parts of Utah and Colorado, also known as Aztlan. They want the land and will redistribute property owned by Americans.

So our idiots in washington do this:

The Housing and Urban Development Department is spending $42 million in federal funding for “housing counseling.” The money is going to far left groups, including La Raza, for free assistance on foreclosure avoidance.

The New American reported:

The Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) is doling out $42 millionin federal funding for housing counseling grants to 468 local, regional, and national organizations. Intended to prevent foreclosures and assist new home buyers, the grants will offer free assistance on foreclosure avoidance as well as educate buyers on how to rent or purchase a home. HUD alleges that beneficiaries of these services will help combat predatory lending practices, because buyers will be equipped with information to help them evade mortgage scams, high interest rates, and unreasonably high appraisals.

“The HUD-approved counseling agencies this funding supports are crucial in helping struggling families on a one-to-one basis to manage their money, navigate the homebuying process, and secure their financial futures,” asserted HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. “Housing counseling works for families that are in need, but also for entire neighborhoods and our housing market more broadly.”

The funding stems from the fiscal 2012 budget that reinstated HUD-approved counseling services after Congress slashed such funding in 2011. According to HUD, the funding supplements the $2.5 billion supplied to states for housing programs as an extension of the federal government’s $25-billion mortgage servicing settlement.

A handful of those “HUD-approved” organizations include high-profile liberal activist groups. One of the organizations, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) — which in Spanish means “the Race” — harvested roughly $1.7 million from the federal housing agency. The largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy group in the nation, the NCLR works on a myriad of social and economic issues pertaining to the Hispanic community, including labor, housing, education, and healthcare.

What part of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA don’t these bastards understand?

New Executive Order…Need Worry Much?

New Executive Order…Need Worry Much?

Anytime Obama is tied to an executive order I get nervous. His administration is full of his appointees with agendas that feed the goal of bigger government. So anytime he makes any kind of move like this it gets your attention. This President does not do things without some ulterior motive, if it does not push one of his agendas, why bother?

I have read on numerous sites that this is just an update to an existing law from 1950 and Ace picked up on one particular article that may make some sense of the order, and why Obama would make it.

PART II – PRIORITIES AND ALLOCATIONSSec. 201. Priorities and Allocations Authorities. (a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

(5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

(b) The Secretary of each agency delegated authority under subsection (a) of this section (resource departments) shall plan for and issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources and establish standards and procedures by which the authority shall be used to promote the national defense, under both emergency and non-emergency conditions. Each Secretary shall authorize the heads of other agencies, as appropriate, to place priority ratings on contracts and orders for materials, services, and facilities needed in support of programs approved under section 202 of this order.

The section that is emphasised show emergency and non-emergency conditions. If Obama gets his second term with nobody to answer to and no worries about re-election he is free to initiate more radical ideas on the United States and it’s people. One of the left-wing agendas is disarming the American public. The second amendment has been under constant threat from the left but they have no way to get the public to voluntarily lay down their guns. But they can make laws outlawing certain types of weapons, (which they have done with automatic), and it is legal for certain weapons to be confiscated under the law.

Here is where I think this executive order may have a more devious meaning.

If Obama gets a second term, under direction of Homeland Security, he enacts the language in this order to expand the TSA to roads and highways. Basically forming a federal police force that now has the legal authority of search and seizure during NON-EMERGENCY CONDITIONS under the umbrella of the EXECUTIVE ORDER — NATIONAL DEFENSE PREPAREDNESS as executed by President Obama March 16, 2012.

Lets say that there is a crime or assault committed in the United States that kills numerous people and assault weapons and high-capacity magazines were used, along with various handguns. And lets say that congress goes ape shit and under pressure of this heinous act, passes a new law making all sorts of weapons illegal. They can’t go home to home and retrieve these weapons, but there is a government database that tracks who owns what guns because you can’t buy one of these weapons without registering first. Sound familiar?

Now lets say that under the new law, the TSA sets up roadblocks to initiate search and seizure of said weapons even though there is not a national emergency. Well the new police force has the authority because of the “updated amendment to the Defense Production Act of 1950”.

This may be a stretch, but I trust this President, his czars, appointees, and cronies as far as I can throw them. Which is not very far.

What Did You Do With Your 40 Bucks?

What Did You Do With Your 40 Bucks?

Remember the Payroll Tax Cut that Obama said would save every hard-working Amercian an extra $40.00 per week?

Remember how Obama said that Republicans did not care about the middle class because they were against the unemployment extension tied to the tax plan?

What did you spend your  $40.00 on this week?

WASHINGTON — A new estimate from congressional economists says the government will run a $1.2 trillion deficit for the budget year ending just a few weeks before Election Day. It would be the fourth straight year of trillion dollar-plus deficits.

The almost $100 billion spike from earlier projections for the fiscal 2012 deficit comes almost exclusively because Congress passed legislation recommended by President Barack Obama to renew a 2 percentage point cut in payroll taxes and jobless benefits for people languishing on unemployment rolls for more than six months.

We are so boned!


America On Life Support

America On Life Support

In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:
“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.”
“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.






During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.”
The Obituary follows:

Born 1776, Died 2012 – The Death of a Nation 
It doesn’t hurt to read this several times. Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul , Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:

Number of States won by: Obama: 19      McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000     McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million        McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2       McCain: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: “In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was
mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low-income
tenements and living off various forms of government welfare…”

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the
“complacency and apathy” phase of Professor Tyler’s definition of democracy,
with some forty percent of the nation’s population already having reached
the “governmental dependency” phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal
invaders called illegal’s – and they vote – then we can say goodbye to the
USA in fewer than five years.

How Can They Know?

How Can They Know?

It is time for me to vent, and considering this is a new blog and has zero followers, I am just making myself feel better. So as I look at 50 and take stock of where I am at I could not be more bummed. Even though I own a home, (well the bank and I), and have a wonderful loving wife and great kids, I am bummed our life as we know it may be in jeopardy.  My employer closed it’s doors because we could not compete in this economy. Not that work is not out there, it is just going so cheap you might as well shut down rather than take the loss. So I am laid off again and the prospects are not good. I am not a college grad but I have marketable skills that would be valuable to many companies, but like I said, the jobs that could pay my salary are few and far between. So here I am, and I don’t see light at the end of tunnel, and I sure as hell don’t see our government making my world any better. I don’t want a handout, I want a decent paying job. How can our leaders know how I feel?

How can the current administration, and congressional leadership know how I feel? How can the silverspooned members of congress have a clue? Most of the congressional leaders are millionaires, the average federal employee pay is 3 to 1 that of the private sector. These are the people and their ilk that are making decisions that determine our fate. 535 people that we have sent to Washington whose average incomes are one million per year, or more, decide what is best for the nation. How can they relate?  How can they even vaguely understand a family making under $50,000 per year and the difficulties they endure every day. I can’t understand how a family at the poverty level survives. I can’t understand how a family living on food stamps and housing assistance lives. I just can’t relate to that. So how can millionaires understand me or my plight? I have worked in the construction and technology industries for thirty years, during that time I was too busy raising my family and trying to get by that I did not focus on politics, I assumed they were doing their job. I started noticing when a friend married and purchased his new home which cost him 50% more than the one I bought a few years before him, and it was the same home. That got my attention.

In 1974 may parents purchased their final home, it was a small rambler that cost them $36,000 dollars. In 1990 I bought a brand new house at a cost of $56,000, that is a 35% increase over 16 years. In 2010 I bought a used townhouse for $180,000 which I assumed was a great buy because in 2008 we looked at the same model and it was selling for $260,000. So, my last home cost me $124,000 more than my 1990 home, and that was at a reduced price. So in 20 years the price increased 75%, that is unsustainable, as was proven when the housing bubble burst. My pay increased during that same period about 35%, before I was laid off. So how am I supposed to deal with the disparity? Theoretically the equity in my first home should make up the difference, unfortunately a nasty divorce took my first home, so I had to start from scratch.

I now own a home whose price has outpaced my increase in pay by 40%, this was not a problem because I made enough money to make the payments. But unemployment certainly does not cover my responsibilities and the jobs that are available in the REAL world pay about the same as my 1990 income. WTF! If people were working employers would be paying more, but now employers can pay whatever they want and somebody will take the job.

Our 535 leaders in congress and 5 different administrations since 1980 have screwed this country so bad that, here I am, the working stiff who only wanted to raise a family, live comfortably, and retire at 65. That is 45 years of working, paying taxes and doing my part as an American. What have they done? What have they accomplished? They did not create Microsoft or Apple, but they managed to take the out manufacturing industry, we are still beholding to foreign oil. In 30 years they have not taken advantage of one of the most prosperous eras in our countries history and balanced the budget, or got our deficit under control, or keep us safe from terrorist attacks. From what I can see they have destroyed the very fabric of America and they want more, and they are all to blame, both parties and every administration.

I don’t think we can afford anymore government. Something needs to change and I mean drastically. I just want to make a decent salary and hold on until retirement. I don’t need much nor do I ask much, I am an average American, something our leaders will never be able to understand. The founding fathers of this great country would be ashamed of them, I know I am.

Fluke No Fluke…. Just A Fake

Fluke No Fluke…. Just A Fake

I am not going to spend a large amount of time and energy on this because I think the whole contraceptive thing was designed by Democraps to keep the GOP focusing on the issue instead of concentrating on Obama’s record. The longer the story is out there, the more the liberal media is going to bait the GOP rivals, thus wasting time on an issue that should be a non-starter.

My own opinion on the matter is women can get contraceptives anywhere and inexpensively and they don’t need funding from anybody but themselves, but I digress, the media led everyone to believe that Sandra Fluke was a 23-year-old law student at Georgetown.

Well, we have been played, and quite masterfully I might add. This is what the Democrats do and the leftwing media eats it up.

This 31-year-old has been a feminist democratic agitator for years. Note the “societies” she belonged to. My Friends you have been played. How did that feel?












And guess who gets caught in the web of deceit, none other than Rush Limbaugh, forced to put his tail between his legs and apologize for calling Ms. Fluke a “slut” because he is losing sponsors.

Well let’s check out the score so far:  Liberals 1    Conservatives 0

$750,000 Soccer Field for Gitmo

$750,000 Soccer Field for Gitmo

Are you shitting me! Who was the brainchild behind this little luxury for a bunch of fucking terrorists? They should be removed from whatever position they hold. Our taxes hard at work!

We are doomed.

At a time of record deficits, a new soccer field for detainees at Camp 6 in Guantanamo Bay is just getting the finishing touches — at a cost of $750,000 to taxpayers.

The project was the highlight of a tour Tuesday of the detention camp for reporters at the facility covering the arraignment in a military court of Majid Khan, a former Baltimore resident and the the only legal U.S. resident on trial at Guantanamo.

The project began in April 2011 and is due to finish this spring. The detainees will now have three recreation facilities at Camp 6, which is home to “highly compliant” detainees who live in a communal setting.

In addition to an indoor recreation field and the existing outdoor recreation field, the new soccer field — selected because it is such a popular sport with detainees — is half the size of an American football field.

The new field has been specially constructed so that the detainees “have maximum access” — about 20 hours a day. Special passageways allow the detainees to pass into the new recreation yard without being escorted by the military.