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Tag: Illegal immigration

Life Was Good

Life Was Good

The emergent middle class was a cohesive force for political stability. The immigrants passed their memories of what they had escaped to their children and grandchildren. They embraced the reality and the promise of America based on their own fruitful experience. Life was good and would get even better, why rock the boat? Few noticed the thunderhead on the horizon.

That thunderhead was hate, directed not at America’s flaws and weaknesses, but at its virtues and strengths. The sacrifice, hard work, thrift, and ingenuity that had lifted millions from poverty was condemned as selfishness, blind ambition, and greed. The middle class that didn’t exist a century ago was materialistic, anti-intellectual, and spiritually impoverished. The unprecedented wealth America was producing was wrong because it was unequally distributed, or the most philanthropic and charitable people in history weren’t giving enough away.

You can guess where the hostility came from: the intellectuals who found what they peddled commanded little attention or respect, and would-be rulers in a nation with little desire to be ruled. The desire for autonomy, to be left alone, to be free to make one’s own decisions and live one’s own life, are the benchmarks of well-adjusted normalcy. The desires to tell or force other people what to do are the opposite, wellsprings of hate which are, depending on their intensity and quality, neurotic, sociopathic, or psychopathic.     Keep reading…..

D’Oh Canada

D’Oh Canada

I don’t get it. What the hell is Canada’s problem? Our southern border is none of their concern unless THEY want cheap foreign labor traveling across the US. If that’s the case I would gladly permit thousands of buses from Canada to pick up as many illegals currently flaunting our immigration laws and take them to the great white north. As a matter of convenience I would grant access to US border roads too load newcomers right out of the Rio Grande and save our border patrol from having to handle any of ’em.

As far as the comparison to the Berlin Wall, it’s obvious that whoever green lighted the adverts are so ignorant they don’t understand what the wall represented or it’s intended purpose……..or never took a history class. Well played CBCNews, your stupidity knows no bounds.

For all you liberal Canadians, feel free to jump in your car and come pick up a few illegals, preferably the rapists, MS-13 bangers, drug smugglers, traffickers, and please take all of the illegals infected with whatever third world diseases they are carrying, then drive promptly without delay out of our country. 

And in the future, please stay the fuck out of the United States business, our southern border does not concern you.


H/T Sundance for the pic & story

Just Say No

Just Say No

But that’s what California’s second drug war is all about.

The first drug war was fought because drug use had devastating social effects. It destroyed minds, spread crime and generated misery. The second drug war is being fought by politicians who think that drugs are great, but want to protect the flow of drug money to their narcosocialist regime.

The big pitch for decriminalization was that law enforcement would no longer have to focus on busting dime bag dealers. Prisons would empty now that the hoi polloi would get its drugs from MedMen instead of the dealer on the corner. Gangs would see their revenues disappear. The cartels would break up. Crime would drop. And the Age of Aquarius would finally be upon us.


keep reading…..




…..can be a bitch.

Rosiane Santos, the 41-year-old Brazilian woman charged for attacking a man at a Falmouth, Massachusetts restaurant earlier this month because he was wearing a pro-Trump red Make America Great Again hat, was arrested by ICE Tuesday morning for overstaying  a 1994 tourist visa.  Keep Reading….

It’s Not How This Works, It’s Not How Any Of This Works

It’s Not How This Works, It’s Not How Any Of This Works

In a federal court complaint filed this week by their pro bono attorneys at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the illegal aliens assert that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents violated their Constitutional rights against illegal seizures and to equal protection under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.  

Seven illegal immigrants detained in a workplace raid are suing the federal agents that arrested them, claiming that they were racially profiled for being Latino.    here….

As illegals YOU HAVE NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!! I can’t make that any more clear, and a judge should throw this out and force the SPLC to pay all court costs and attorney fees connected with the frivolous action.

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Walls

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Walls

As California’s leftist Gov. Gavin Newsom grandstands about suing the Trump administration over its construction of a concrete border wall, Mexico’s human smugglers are having a grand old time, ramming through the corrugated junk metal fencing that’s there with heavy smuggling vehicles, terrorist-style.  Keep reading…..

SAN DIEGO (KUSI)- This morning a truck carrying 22 immigrants breached the aging border barrier in east San Diego, according to the CA Border Patrol San Diego. The Border Patrol agents responded, the driver of the vehicle rammed a Border Patrol vehicle then attempted to flee.


Who Knows

Who Knows

Maybe I’ve been to harsh on the Trumpster….maybe not….I don’t really know. The spending bill is only good through September, Trump forced congress to do their jobs, they did not. He goes the “emergency” route with the knowledge that he gave congress every opportunity to give him what he wanted and they failed.

Now if it was me, I would rob and steal from every pet project the Democrats covet for as many billions as I could get my hands on and build the wall from the Pacific to the Gulf. The “emergency” monies are not tied to the spending bill, fuck ’em and feed ’em fish eggs.

A stroke of genius or he’s settling for the best he can get….who knows.

In other news:

We Can Destroy and Rebuild Entire Countries…….

We Can Destroy and Rebuild Entire Countries…….

……but we can’t protect our own border, something has got to change.

Curiously, however, unlike in the 1880s, the lands being colonized in this new Scramble are richer, technologically superior, and militarily stronger than those doing the colonizing. In other words, there isn’t anything inevitable about the Scramble for America. It’s well within our capabilities to defend our homeland.

As evidence, a few self-confident countries, such as Israel and Hungary, have virtually eliminated illegal immigration through simple expedients such as border barriers. Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu, for instance, routinely tweets out photographs of the ferocious fences and walls Israel has quickly erected in recent years.

But much of the rest of the First World is paralyzed by the widespread assumption that its peoples don’t deserve to protect themselves from being colonized. For example, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi recently proclaimed, “The fact is, a wall is an immorality. It’s not who we are as a nation.”

Who we are, evidently, are the people who aren’t here yet.    keep reading……

Continuation of the Shit Show

Continuation of the Shit Show

The “Border Budget Deal” is a piece of shit, if POTUS signs it, it is proof he does not have anyone in his administration giving him solid advice. Sundance and the Daily Caller highlight the “land mines” Trump was worried about.

I hope Trump has something up his sleeve, if not, this was all kabuki theater and a waste of time, anxiety, and money. NEVER trust the uni-party.

From Sundance:

WARNING: This is a bad deal, but it reflects the UniParty reality within congress.  Take a deep breath; don’t lash out.  Remember, there are very few MAGA minded representatives. This was negotiated by two wings of the same corporate bird and both want open borders.   keep reading…

From The Daily Caller:

Krikorian urged Trump not to sign the provision, saying that it was one of the “land mines” the president had feared. Instead, he advocated for a short-term continuing resolution while the administration is able to carefully review the current legislation.

“He should make clear he will veto it in this form,” he declared.

Homan similarly warned that the expanded protections will encourage child smuggling from Central America, saying it is “condoning the trafficking of children.” He said he is absolutely certain that if this bill passes a corresponding increase in unaccompanied migrant children at the border will be seen.

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said the provision incentives law-breaking, stating, “One of, if not the biggest magnet [for illegal immigration], are the loopholes that allow violators of our immigration laws to escape consequences.”   keep reading….