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Meanwhile Back At The DOJ….

Meanwhile Back At The DOJ….

….incompetence is being punished rewarded.

Several men have now been convicted for the murder of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry but we’ve looked into the murky cases of the men in charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gun-walking scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious and found those in charge of the program received a better deal,” reports. “Murky” because the ATF refuses to tell KVOA what’s happened to 15 federal investigators found responsible for Operation Fast and Furious. Meanwhile, they found out the punishment meted out to the two ATF agents in charge of F&F. First, their guilt . . .

Federal reports obtained by the News 4 Tucson Investigators show the gun buyers spent $1.5 million dollars on 2,000 weapons. The report notes that among those who created the gun walking program, two men were responsible for creating Fast and Furious: ATF’s special agent in charge at the time, William Newell, and his second in command during fast and furious, George Gillett.

Investigators wrote:  “Newell also bore ultimate responsibility for the failures in Operation Fast and Furious.”

And on his second in command: “We found Gillett’s supervision and judgment in Operation Fast and Furious seriously deficient.”

And so . . .

Tony Coulson was a Drug Enforcement administrator in Tucson during Operation Fast and Furious and worked with Newell and Gillett.

“Nothing happened to them. George Gillett was allowed to retire with no impact on his retirement.”

Bill Newell got an even sweeter deal.

“Newell was demoted from a senior executive service to intelligence analyst or grade 13.”

Coulson estimates Newell stands to make $100,000 a year in annuities.

As for the men ultimately responsible for the anti-gun gun running black ops op, Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama, Mr. Holder got off scott-free (despite being held in contempt of Congress) and Mr. Obama continues to hold office.   Here….obamainchargeofeverythingresponsiblefornothig1

Change The Law….

Change The Law….

….it’s not 1980 anymore.

As it stands, a handful of states have absorbed the bulk of the Syrian refugee population: California, Texas, Michigan, Arizona and Illinois. 

Of those states, governors in all but California have declared they will try to stop Syrian refugees from settling in their states going forward — though the federal government, under a 1980 law, has the ability to admit and resettle refugees using federal funds, while taking state input under consideration. 

 Together, just those five states already have accepted hundreds.  According to the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center, since January 2012, California has received 251 Syrian refugees; Texas has received 242; Michigan has received 206; Arizona has received 168; and Illinois has received 157.
Specifically it was Ed Kennedy & Jimma Carter who redefined the act according to Wiki.

The creation of the Refugee Act began with hearings by the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security from 1965–1968, which recommended that congress create a uniform system for refugees, but received little support. Edward Kennedy began writing to propose a bill to reform refugee policy in 1978 and first introduced the idea to the United States Senate in 1979.456x256xC1-2_jpg_pagespeed_ic__McZkoGvMy

The act was completed on March 3, 1980, was signed by President Jimmy Carter on March 17, 1980 and became effective on April 1, 1980. This was the first comprehensive amendment of U.S. general immigration laws designed to face up to the realities of modern refugee situations by stating a clear-cut national policy and providing a flexible mechanism to meet the rapidly shifting developments of today’s world policy. here…

It’s almost 2016, time to fix the law by giving the States back their rights, the world has changed in 36 years. These laws seem easy to put on the books but impossible to get rid of or change.

The End Game In Syria?

The End Game In Syria?

If Libya is any indication of what could happen if Assad were ousted, it would be wise to focus on ISIS and leave the Assad regime intact.

To me this is the key fault line.  Are you willing to fight a war to beat ISIS without “liberating” Syria from Assad? If so, I’m in. If not, we’ll be creating bigger problems than we solve. Namely, the American people are not likely to sign on for “a multi generational” occupation and rebuilding of Syria that we are unlikely to be able to accomplish. If you demand that as the price of fighting ISIS, you won’t get the chance to fight ISIS.

And how are we to prosecute this new war? Will it be a WWII destruction mission or counter insurgency mission where “courageous restraint” will be the order of the day? Again, sign me up for the former but not the latter.

Of course the idea of trying to fight ISIS while removing Assad has become even more ludicrous since I wrote that post in February. When you hear candidates talk about removing him, ask yourself, “how are you going to get the Russians to throw him under the bus?

So while Assad’s regime is happy to do business with ISiS and use them as a shield against regime change, there’s not much we can do about it.

We have to accept certain realities. The US has done business with far worse regimes than the Syrian Baathists in the name of fighting an even worse enemy (think Stalin and Hitler in WWII), we can suck it up and crush ISIS while working with Assad and the Russians. Keep Reading…..



Go Away

Go Away

It may be time to start deporting repatriating people who obviously hate this country. If you send a bunch back to the Sudan or Somalia, you might see a change in attitude.

Your rights “should” end when the rights you claim come from the country whose flag you are desecrating.
It’s not a racial thing, it’s an American thing. 

Holding Black Liberation Flag while stomping on American Flag

H/T Weasel Zippers for Image

I would like to see them try that in front of a bunch of Marines who just fought for that flag in the Middle East….black or white.

tumblr_nxjhssad241twtip8o1_1280The difference is obvious. 


War For The Roses

War For The Roses

Revolutions never have single causes; they take off only when multiple dysfunctions coincide in a perfect political storm. And right now storm clouds are gathering everywhere. If indeed we once again hit the historical jackpot, it will be frightening and enthralling to watch. Brace yourselves. …here…

I Am Back

I Am Back

It’s rare that I climb on a plane to go anywhere, this trip required four flights. The flights themselves were your basic plane ride, climb on board, go to your seat, watch some asshole loading an over sized carry on into the overhead bin, listen to the screaming kid, the obnoxious loud talker, the flight attendant instructions blaring through the ear splitting speakers, and watching varying forms of weird personal behavior. All of this, I assume, was a normal flight. I survived.

I can handle the irritation of flying in exchange for the speed of travel, but the one thing, the only thing that absolutely chaps my ass is dealing with TSA.TSA Debuts Full Body Imaging Screeners At O'Hare Airport

As your standing in a line that wraps around, down, over, back up, twisting through stanchion barriers, you get an opportunity to people watch. For the most part normal people with blank stares being directed like cattle to a TSA ticket taker at the end of the previously mentioned unbelievably long line.
I get the curtly nod to move on after ticket and picture ID are approved to the next segment of my lost personal freedoms. I am greeted by a very large TSA lady loudly and sternly giving directions as to what our next tasks are.Attaining the goal of hitting the conveyor belts I am ordered to lose the shoes and empty pockets, I load up the plastic bin and shove it on its merry way down the conveyor belt as I go stand in the next line to the body scanner. security checks at JFK airport
Another irritatingly bitchy TSA female orders me to the yellow footprints in the scanner, motions me to raise my arms, the scanner hums by and I am waved out like I have been standing there far to long. I stand with other shoe-less travelers awaiting the plastic bins holding our belongings and footwear, one young woman is getting the pat down treatment, she is in tears, my wife is having her carry on checked for some unknown reason, we were never told why, an old man is having a difficult time gathering his items and getting his shoes and belt back on, he nearly has his pants fall to his knees.
tz-101122-pat-down-2p_grid-6x2Finally we are free of the TSA and head to the next line to await our boarding call.
Of the four flights I took this kind of thing happened every time.

As I stood there in line for the TSA screenings I couldn’t help think that there were a large number of TSA personnel on shift. This is one terminal handling four airlines, there must have been over a hundred TSA employees working, multiply that by the terminals and gates that have TSA entries and the number of TSA agents is astounding and they are government employees, unionized and paid for by Joe taxpayer in every airport in the country. The cost has got to be enormous.tsa-sitting-600x447

I feel for people who have to travel frequently for business, I assume that the security is worth it, I do think there must be a better way.



What you hope when you hear a lesbian couple is moving in next door…….10193415_50_600_595-748093



A lesbian interracial couple moved into a suburban St. Louis neighborhood last spring and all hell broke loose almost instantly. In the past six months, the police have been regular visitors to the home of Maritha Hunter-Butler and Melanie Anthony, a couple that would be banned by any normal, middle class neighborhood in any normal society, even if they had not exhibited the sort of aggressive, bullying behavior they have been charged with since they moved in. … The women have, if the reports are correct, brought a toxic mix of racial resentment and homosexual entitlement to the neighborhood. This is the cultural reality of normalized lesbianism — not Ellen DeGeneres glamor, but two psychologically disabled and cruelly misled women pooling their resources to partake of the suburban dream. Hunter-Butler was previously convicted of [attempted] murder-for-hire and has been charged with punching a neighbor in the face. Anthony recently exposed herself to neighbors while making obscene gestures in the presence of children. The women are together raising three boys.  Here….