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Tag: waste

The Math Just Does Not Work

The Math Just Does Not Work

Assuming the country has a population of 311 million people. Of that populous about 62% are of working age, (Under 65 over 18), that leaves an available workforce of 192 million people.
The federal government employs approximately 10 million not including the CIA, (which does not disclose employee numbers), or FTE’s. This 10 million number is hard to confirm because of all the differing agencies offering civilian contracts still provided by taxpayer funds. It could very well be double that number but for this effort we will assume the 10 mil.
State governments for the sake of argument we will put at 1 million state employees per state. Now, Wyoming has a population of 568 thousand so there is no way that it could have that many state employees, but California has 37 million people and state employees run about 10% of the population on average so once again, we will assume 1 million state employees per each state.

Remember this douchebag??

Available Workforce – 192 Million
State Employees – 52 Million
Federal Employees – 10 Million
Total of private sector employees paying for some form of government – 130 Million

Now we subtract for 22 million currently unemployed which would leave 108 Million private sector taxpayers. Now subtract 10 million illegal immigrants that do not pay taxes we are now at 98 million available people paying taxes for a population of 311 million. And I know that I have underestimated the amount of government employees in some form or another. Oh, subtract 1.5 million currently in prison and you have 28% of the working populace paying for 72% of the remaining workforce. How do you sustain that????

You do have the argument that government employees pay taxes also, but they have been paid by taxes we paid, kinda redundant to count their portion don’t you think? Now add Obamacare and the additional burden of more government paying for more free stuff and….you get the idea.

We are boned and we don’t even know it yet.

Say Hello To 2013

Say Hello To 2013

If you thought 2008-12 was bad…..wait till you get a load of 2013.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I am not one for conspiracy theory. I am one for potential reality, and the reality is that this country can’t sustain the habitual government spending without paying for their irresponsibility at some point in time. The time frame for an economic collapse is unknown, but it will happen. Conservative or Liberal it does not matter, the wheels have been put in motion and it can’t be stopped, we have gone too far down the path.

Keep your eye on California, they have spent and taxed themselves into fiscal hell,  business’s are leaving the state by droves, and  they are upside down in revenue. How many California cities have filed for bankruptcy already? The only way to maintain current obligations is a bailout from the federal government. Our current resident in the Whitehouse and his groupies in the senate and congress are following the same blueprint as California, taxing the wealthy to the extent they take their business elsewhere, and spending beyond revenue.

 The question then becomes, who bails out the federal government? Who comes to the rescue of America? Well, nobody that’s who, and there is your collapse, the death of the dollar, and the beginning of the revolution.
Be prepared. Below is a portion of a story I read today, you can read all of it here.


There’s a reason thousands of Americans have been purchasing guns of all description and laying up stores of ammunition and it may go beyond concerns of gun bans. A lot of patriots think that 2013 could turn very ugly, very fast, with fears of martial law, Homeland Security goons, mass arrests, secret incarcerations, and worse. I have doubts about these scenarios, but they have long been a part of the arsenal of oppressive governments.


The trigger, however, for such scenarios would be the collapse of the U.S. dollar and there are signs—the massive national debt, the continued government borrowing and spending—that suggest this is a very real possibility. If and when that occurs, all bets are off.


What stands between most Americans and those who might wish to engineer the end to the Constitution is the fact that America is home to hundreds of thousands of hunters who comprise, by virtue of being armed, the largest army in the world. A goodly portion of our law enforcement community and our military are going to refuse orders to turn their guns on their fellow Americans and doing so would prove to be unhealthy.


Revolution is never pretty, but Americans did it once and can do it again to protect the Constitution and our rights. In a sharply divided nation, however, the level of resistance is unknown when so many now depend on the government for support. Many will prefer their chains.
California Loses Revenue After Tax Increase…Go Figure

California Loses Revenue After Tax Increase…Go Figure

As I have mentioned before, I don’t understand Californians. I posted something along those lines back in August and I really could not understand how the populace would continue to vote for people who were hell-bent on destroying the state’s economy.
Then in November, the same idiots nationwide re-elected the same person who is hell bent on destroying Americas economy. So be it.
I no longer feel a need to try to change anyones minds about the disaster they just initiated. I no longer feel obligated to worry about the next generation, it was the next generation who were a majority vote for Bambam. So be it.
You kids get what you deserve.

The only thing that I can do is take care of my own and prepare for the eventual collapse. And if you think that I am being to apocalyptic, look to the east, I give you Detroit, New York, and Chicago then to the west, California. For all you youngsters out their that thought it will be great to have bigger government, bigger handouts, bigger unions, bigger social justice, bigger immigration, add nauseam blah blah blah… check your facts. You want to see the future? Look no further than the decay that has infected the states listed above.

Democrats thought they could hammer “the rich” by convincing voters to pass Proposition 30 to create the highest state income tax in the nation. But it now appears that high income earners have already “voted with their feet” by moving themselves and their businesses out of state, resulting in over $1 billion shortfall in corporate and income taxes last month and the beginning of a new financial crisis.

State bureaucrats immediately ramped up deficit spending far beyond the state’s $6 billion annual tax increase, with the Departments of Health Services and Developmental Services increasing this month’s spending by over $1 billion versus last year. The lower tax collection and higher spending drove the State’s deficit after the tax increase to $2.7 billion for the first 5 months of this fiscal year. State Controller John Chiang reported.

As panic spreads that goosing taxes on the rich may have created enough “tax flight” that the California will actually collect less taxes, there was welcome news that a business had committed to opening in the State. Executives of the 99 Cents Only Stores Inc. proclaimed they would be opening a new location in Beverly Hills on formerly posh Rodeo Drive.  

All A Dollar on Rodeo Drive, bwahahahahaha…….. you just can’t make this shit up. How does that feel you liberal nut jobs?
A Nod to Breitbart for the story – Read the entire article here.

Before you get on my ass about city versus states names. just take it in context. Michigan/Illinois…happy.

Union Causes 627 To Lose Jobs

Union Causes 627 To Lose Jobs

So they vote 92% to strike, after months of negotiations, and Hostess told them if they strike the plants will close. They struck, they closed the plants…..forever.

Employee or former employee.    Seems like a no brainer for me, considering the job outlook for the next four years. Good luck Hostess workers, I am sure the company can find a right to work state to start a new plant. Enjoy your unemployment.
UPDATE: 18,500 Workers lose their jobs due to 5000 union bakers. What a sad, sad story. Don’t blame Hostess one little bit.
The closing will result in Hostess’ nearly 18,500 workers losing their jobs as the company shuts 33 bakeries and 565 distribution centers nationwide. The bakers’ union represents around 5,000.
Hostess will move to sell its assets to the highest bidder. That could mean new life for some of its most popular products, which could be scooped up at auction and attached to products from other companies.
“We deeply regret the necessity of today’s decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike,” said CEO Gregory Rayburn in a statement.
The company had given a 5 p.m. ET deadline for the bakers to return to work or face a shutdown of the company. The unions at Hostess could not be reached immediately for comment on the decision.


If you work for a man, in heaven’s name work for him. If he pays you wages which supply you bread and butter, work for him; speak well of him; stand by him, and stand by the institution he represents. If put to a pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must vilify, condemn, and eternally disparage, resign your position, and when you are outside, damn to your heart’s content, but as long as you are part of the institution do not condemn it. If you do that, you are loosening the tendrils that are holding you to the institution, and at the first high wind that comes along, you will be uprooted and blown away, and will probably never know the reason why.                                    _Elbert Hubbard

So You Want To Raise Taxes….

So You Want To Raise Taxes….

….so you can get along with the Democrats in the Senate. Ya know what I say,

Fuck off!

  Energizer –

The St. Louis-based company said Thursday that it expects to shed about 1,500 employees. When finished, the restructuring should lead to $200 million in pretax yearly savings, Energizer said. It aims to have most of its restructuring steps finished by the end of September 2014.

• Exide Technologies –

Exide Technologies announced Thursday that it will be idling its lead-recycling operations in Laureldale and laying off 150 workers, effective no later than March 31.

• Westinghouse –

Westinghouse Anniston, the contractor responsible for shutting down Anniston’s chemical weapons incinerator, has reduced its workforce by another 50 employees.

• Research in Motion Limited –

Research in Motion Ltd., the maker of BlackBerry smartphones, laid off about 200 people at its U.S. headquarters in Irving on Wednesday, according to a source close to the company who did not want to be named.

• Lightyear Network Solutions –

More than one dozen employees at a Pikeville company lost their jobs this week. Officials with Lightyear Network Solutions said they are consolidating offices in Louisville and Pikeville to save money.

• Providence Journal –

The Providence Journal Co. laid off 23 full-time workers Wednesday as part of a cost-cutting effort, including 16 members of the Providence Newspaper Guild and 7 non-union employees.

• Hawker Beechcraft –

The company says 240 employees will lose their jobs with the closing of Hawker Beechcraft Services facilities in Little Rock, Ark.; Mesa, Ariz.; and San Antonio, Texas.

• Boeing (30% of their management staff) –

Boeing Co. said Wednesday it plans to employ 30% fewer executives at its Boeing Defense, Space & Security unit by the end of 2012 compared to 2010 levels.

• CVPH Medical Center –

CVPH Medical Center has handed pink slips to 17 employees. The layoffs — nine in management and eight hourly staffers — are part of an effort to “help bolster the hospital’s financial position in 2013 and beyond,” a press release said.

We Have A Program For That

We Have A Program For That

So it begins. This once great nation is something that I don’t recognize anymore. Americans used to be embarrassed to live off government handouts, it would be a cause for shame to be seen paying for groceries with food stamps, and it wasn’t that long ago.

Those times are gone. Minority groups not only use the government safety net, they take advantage of it, they have figured out how to live comfortably off of it. So why would you vote for someone who would take this stuff away? The simple answer, they won’t. We have gone down a path that crumbles behind us, we can’t go back, the takers vote for the givers.

Want a smart phone, no problem. there’s a government program for that. (As a matter of fact go get two or three and sell the others, you need the cash)
Want to eat steak and lobster and wash it down with a nice bottle of wine, no problem, there’s a government program for that. (We gave you a card so you can use it anywhere)
 Want a flat screen, here ya go, there’s a government program for that. (we don’t care what you spend your handout on, none of our business, we couldn’t track all of it anyway)
 You don’t want to go to work, no worries, there’s a government program for that. (we have plenty of hard workers that will cover for ya)
 You pay no taxes but you want your children educated, piece of cake, there’s a government program for that. (We have forced the school teachers to learn another language to help)
 Want to stay in the US even though you are here illegally, do not fret, there’s a government program for that. (We are working hard on amnesty for you, be patient)
 Want to go to college but you have no money, fear not, there’s a government program for that. (Affirmative Action babay!)
 Need a home but can’t pay for it, here is some paperwork, there’s a government program for that. (make minimum wage? Your approved)
 Need an apartment but can’t pay the rent, go to this line, there’s a government program for that (It’s not the Taj Majal but it does’nt cost ya anything)
 Want your utilities paid, easy squeezy, theres a government program for that. (single mom, oh you poor thing. Can’t let your 12 kids be witout power or gas.)
 Want to go to a strip club or casino, here ya go, there’s a government program for that. (But don’t tell anyone ’cause we don’t want to know how you spend your handout)
Need free health care, there’s a government program for that. (Obamacare duh)

The only reason I held out hope for a Republican victory is because I thought sane people would see the path we are going down and choose a different direction. Boy was I mistaken.

Non-Union Power Crews Turned Away

Non-Union Power Crews Turned Away

Pretty pathetic. I don’t care if you are tried and true union blue. But damn, these people need help. And it shows the hypocracy of unions.

Even for the better good for everyone, they turn down help because they don’t want their sacred unions shown up. Sounds a lot like the current administration.


The hurricane-ravaged east coast has been receiving north Alabama help, but crews learned they’ll be doing work in Long Island, New York instead of in New Jersey.

Utility crews volunteered with Sandy recovery.

Crews from Decatur Utilities and Joe Wheeler out of Trinity headed up there this week, but Derrick Moore, one of the Decatur workers, said they were told by crews in New Jersey that they can’t do any work there since they’re not union employees.

The crews that are in Roanoke, Virginia say they are just watching and waiting even though they originally received a call asking for help from Seaside Heights, New Jersey.

The crews were told to stand down. In fact, Moore said the crew from Trinity is already headed back home.

Understandably, Moore said they’re frustrated being told “thanks, but no thanks.”

Story here