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Tag: defense department

I Am Confused

I Am Confused

Surprised that I have not read this on a few other sites. Soylent Green posted it yesterday, the story linked to a sarcastic article from the Canada Free Press on the issue so I was a bit apprehensive on the actual order. With magic of the internet I was able to see that it was indeed true, but from what I am reading, industry leaders are happy about the order.

Maybe you guys can help me out on this one. More regulation and more federal agencies including the EPA are being tasked to by-pass state authority and regulate on their own. WTF?
If the way I am reading this is accurate, it is more Obama administration having the power to govern private industry. Which would lead me to beleive that the practice of fracking could and will be eliminated.

So what is it? A good or bad thing? Below is a list of agencies tasked with helping states regulate, and under it is a few links to articles praising the order.

  • the Department of Defense
  • the Department of the Interior
  • the Department of Agriculture
  • the Department of Commerce
  • the Department of Health and Human Services
  • the Department of Transportation
  • the Department of Energy
  • the Department of Homeland Security
  • the Environmental Protection Agency
  • the Council on Environmental Quality
  • the Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • the Office of Management and Budget
  • the National Economic Council

From The Hill: Industry groups welcomed President Obama’s executive order to coordinate federal oversight of natural-gas development Friday.
From Politico: The order creates a working group that includes various White House offices such as the Council on Environmental Quality and National Economic Council, as well as relevant cabinet departments and agencies like Interior, EPA and Department of Homeland Security.

Damn Shame…Troops Told To Disarm

Damn Shame…Troops Told To Disarm

I don’t know who got nervous, but I would say it is pretty telling when the Secretary of Defense does not trust 200 of his own troops, makes them disarm before he speaks to them.

Like I said, it may be time to get out now before someone else in the Obama Administration embarrasses us to the world. Again.

Update: You would think he would want our boys locked and loaded for just this kind of scenario.


 In a sign of the nervousness surrounding Mr. Panetta’s trip, the Marines and other troops who were waiting in a tent for the defense secretary to speak were abruptly asked by their commander to get up, place their weapons — M-16 and M-4 automatic rifles and 9-mm pistols — outside the tent and then return unarmed. The commander, Sgt. Maj. Brandon Hall, told reporters he was acting on orders from superiors.

“All I know is, I was told to get the weapons out,” he said. Asked why, he replied, “Somebody got itchy, that’s all I’ve got to say. Somebody got itchy; we just adjust.”

Normally, American forces in Afghanistan keep their weapons with them when the defense secretary visits and speaks to them. The Afghans in the tent waiting for Mr. Panetta were not armed to begin with, as is typical.