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Tag: defense department

Rules Of Engagement

Rules Of Engagement

Have we not learned anything?

We have been through how many wars? We have built the largest, most well-trained military in the world. We have the most advanced weaponry known to man. So how can it be that our soldiers are being shot at close range by Afghan forces that we are training? With all of our knowledge, armor, and weaponry, how do we allow our troops to be murdered by the same people we hope will police their own country?
Every other day it seems there is an attack on American or allied troops in Afghanistan by  “green on blue” attacks. I don’t understand. I thought we were there to fight terrorists, not train, clothe , and arm an Afghan police force, who are turning those weapons on unsuspecting U.S. soldiers.
After all the wars and conflicts that the United States have been involved in how do military leaders allow this to happen? Isn’t there a better way?

In Iraq we attacked with frightening speed and force. In a matter of weeks we amassed on the Iraqi border and days later we are in Baghdad. Saddam had disappeared and his army was retreating, surrendering, or taking off their uniforms and going home. So what could possibly go wrong with our amazing victory? What could possibly stop or even reverse the course of such an apparent successful mission? How could someone screw up such a decisive victory?
Fuckin’ politicians that’s how.  Let’s train their police force. Let’s throw a butt load of money at them and they will love America. Let’s change the rules of engagement for our troops, instead of hellfire missiles, A-10’s reigning 50 cal on the rat bastards, M1 Abrams decimating known insurgent locations, let’s make them go door to door, shack to shack in an urban warfare environment with their Humvees and body armor. What could go wrong?
Holy shit! How long did it take the insurgents to improvise and adapt to our new rules of engagement? Not very fucking long! Why? Because they knew that American politicians do not have the stomach for total battlefield casualties. They knew that if they were patient, the American politicians would change the rules and put their own troops in harm’s way in the name of civility. So Iraq became….an unwinnable war. Sound familiar?

Afghanistan has become, due to political correctness, an unwinnable war. A very unpopular war. But our sons and daughters are still dying at the hands of those we are tasked to train and protect. At what price do you put an American life in battle? What are we to gain for the incredible senseless loss of Americans in a country that does not want us there? What is the end game? My short answer…. there is no end game.

So unleash the hounds of hell and show the Taliban that we are willing take out an entire village if necessary……..or withdraw completely. I hate to say it because of the disrespect it shows for the fallen soldiers in the “War on Terror”. But we are no longer fighting a war that we can win considering the rules that our leaders have placed on our troops.     That is all.

UPDATE: Letter from the front in Afghanistan

“To the second point: I don’t think that the American citizens would be happy if they knew that their soldiers were being prohibited from defending themselves in any way because of politically driven orders, but that is precisely what is happening in this war right now even as I write this letter. The soldiers of the U.S. never engage the enemy unless we know that we have will always have the tactical advantage in defending ourselves, that advantage is the use of close air support and air weapons team. To take those weapons away from us is to level the playing field for the enemy and thus exposing our soldiers to more danger. In the school house they teach us that the minimum ratio that we are to engage the enemy with, is a 3:1 ratio. In other words, we have the highest probability of winning because we don’t fight fair. The sound tactical principles behind this teaching have saved lives. The very presence of aircraft over our foot patrols has also saved lives and now our chain of command is being told by our political leadership that this is now not allowed.  If we are not partnering with the ANSF and we are not actively patrolling to prevent our enemies from massing their attacks on our COP and we can’t drop a bomb on the enemy that we have positively identified, than what the hell are we doing here?”
Read it all here…..just sayin. A Huge Nod To Weasel Zippers for the story.

Obama’s End Game Should Scare The Hell Out Of You

Obama’s End Game Should Scare The Hell Out Of You

A very well written expose on Obama and his administrations goals. Well done with a startling and scary summation at the end.
Enjoy and consider yourself warned. A Nod to Theo for the link.

On October 9, 2009, barely nine months after his inauguration on January 20th, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to President Obama. At the time, the committee said it was being awarded “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.”Only a fool would say that Obama’s international diplomacy has worked. The siege of our Cairo embassy hoisted the flag of al Qaeda. Our Ambassador to Libya has been killed. Syria’s dictator kills his own people with abandon. The Iranians have not stopped working toward being able to make their own nuclear weapons and from Morocco to Indonesia, in a large swath of the world there are rallies whose slogan is “Death to America.” While President Obama’s performance in office will be dissected by future historians, those of us who have to live through the experience day to day are often left wondering why he chose to pursue various policies.

A big part of the answer is that Obama is a dedicated Marxist. The recent tape of his 1998 discussion of the “redistribution of wealth” is pure Communism. It isn’t garden variety Socialism. A large part of the U.S. population has had some difficulty understanding what Obama was doing because they have never encountered Marxism so directly before.

To read the entire commentary, click here
Arab Sprung

Arab Sprung

Get it now?

Barbaric animals that can’t think for themselves, raised in a culture of hate, whipped into a frenzy by Islamists extremism, and given an opportunity to kill, the muslim world once again shows its true colors. The Obama administration blusters about justice for the four Americans killed, but maybe they should, as a footnote to the political bullshit, do something substantial.

Drop all financial aid to the countries that have attacked an American embassies…. DONE…no money…..indefinately. And the money saved goes directly to American military spending to make up for the shortfall of the budget agreement that was extorted from Republicans back in 2011.

I doubt any American polirtician has the balls or political gall to do it, but they should. It’s terrible enough that we are losing soldiers in the “war on terror”, it is another that we should sit back when our embassies are attacked for just being American.

Personally I would not lose any sleep if they were wiped from the face of the earth…..just sayin.


Obambam Gives Up Seal Team 6 Name To Hollywood

Obambam Gives Up Seal Team 6 Name To Hollywood

How is this man and his minions allowed to stay in the Whitehouse? I can’t even tell you how low of a standard has been set by this narcissist POTUS. To keep himself in office, he gives up national security secrets? What kind of bullshit is that? The guy will stop at nothing to get re-elected, and if that means sacrificing the national security, or the safety of another human being, so be it. And yeah, you can feel secure in the fact that he gave thin information to someone from Hollywood, they have a long history of being reliable and can keep secrets. Link to story after quotes below clip.

You know what I have to say about that…..wait for it…..

National Security: New documents obtained by a watchdog group show our commander in chief gave the name of a Navy Seal Team 6 commander to the makers of a movie about Osama bin Laden.
Those documents, recently obtained by Judicial Watch, reveal that the Obama administration not only spiked the football and did an end-zone dance after the Navy SEALs dispatched bin Laden from his Club Pakistan abode, but was also willing to expose to the other side our playbook and the name of a SEAL commander.
“These documents, which took nine months and a federal lawsuit to disgorge from the Obama administration, show that politically connected filmmakers were given extraordinary and secret access to bin Laden raid information, including the identity of a SEAL Team 6 leader,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
“It is both ironic and hypocritical,” Fitton noted, “that the Obama administration stonewalled Judicial Watch’s pursuit of the bin Laden death photos, citing national security concerns, yet seemed willing to share intimate details regarding the raid to help Hollywood filmmakers release a movie ‘perfectly timed to give a home-stretch boost’ (as described by New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd) to the Obama campaign.”
Read More Here:
Scooter Obama Outs Navy SEAL Team 6 Leader For Movie


Afghanistan Leader Karzai Thanks Obama For The Billions

Afghanistan Leader Karzai Thanks Obama For The Billions

So the corrupt Karzai regime is happy to take BILLIONS from the United States. Get used to it.

All the “Arab Spring” countries will have their collective hands out shortly.

Karzai, who aims to secure billions of dollars in long-term aid for his country’s military and economy, said he looked forward to a day when “Afghanistan is no longer a burden on the shoulders of of our friends in the international community, on the shoulders of the United States and our other allies.”

“I’m bringing to you and to the people of the United States the gratitude of the Afghan people for the support that your taxpayers’ money has provided Afghanistan over the past decade and for the difference that it has made to the well-being of the Afghan people,” Karzai told Obama.

Am I Just Paraniod or Is This Something?

Am I Just Paraniod or Is This Something?

I am not much of a conspiracy guy, but I have been hearing some things from, of all people, truck drivers, about military training and detention camps being set up all over the country.  The truckers are delivering whatever to the facilities and they are saying that everything is cloaked in secrecy. The military is doing urban training exercises which, in the past, had been done on bases specially designed for urban settings.
So what’s up?

I was sent this the other day from a friend and it was an interesting read, it could be total bullshit, but you start connecting the dots and it does make you wonder if there is any validity to the paranoia. After the quote I have the cities that I searched for “urban military training exercises” and I included links to those sites. Definitely gets your head spinning. 

According to my source, there is talk among the highest levels of the uppermost echelon of the Department of Homeland Security, which he describes as effectively under the control of Barack Hussein Obama. During this call, he said that the DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that “a civil war” is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it,” stated my source.


“The DHS takes their marching orders from the Obama administration, from Obama himself, but mostly from his un-appointed czars. And Jarrett, especially Valerie Jarrett. Don’t think for a minute that the administration is doing anything to stabilize events in the U.S. They are revolutionaries, and revolutionaries thrive on chaos,” he added.

“Mentioned at the meeting Saturday were methods to use pawns to simulate the rioting in the Arab Spring countries, but to the benefit of this administration. A controlled chaos thing,” stated my source. They envision rioting starting in the urban areas first, such as New York and other major cities, followed by a disruption of business and commerce. This will allow the DHS to mobilize their various teams into the streets of America without objection of the people,” stated my source.

“They want to restrict travel, if not through high energy prices, then by checkpoints and curfews mandated by rioting and unrest. They understand we are the most well-armed nation in the world, yet they are aware of our vulnerabilities and intend to fully exploit them,” he added. The whole purpose is to keep Obama in office for another term, no matter how unpopular he is, as he is not finished changing our country from a Constitutional Republic. This is the run-up to the 2012 elections, or perhaps causing enough chaos to delay them – indefinitely.”

One statement that rattled me more than anything was that a great number of those already in power, whether in appointed or elected positions, actually want to see Obama stay in power, according to this source. “This is what we’ve been working toward and we’re closer now than we’ve ever been. If we lose now, we might not have another chance.”

According to this insider, the Trayvon Martin case is just the tip of the iceberg. “You certainly don’t have to be a genius to understand how Obama and his team played the public on this issue, and it’s far from over. But that’s not the sole element of what we’ll see this summer.”

 “Remember the shots fired at the White House not too long ago,” asked my source. There was an element of outrage that was squandered, according to ‘team Obama.’  In fact, Obama and some of his closest advisors, especially [Valerie] Jarrett were incredibly angered that the outrage was seemingly tempered. It should have been an opportunity to use our force against the Tea Parties, the gun clingers, the Constitutionalists, and everyone who has complained about Obama. DHS should have stepped in right then, and used that event to start the clampdown,” this source stated about White House comments.


This source stated that from that point on, the DHS must become more responsive and aggressive.


 Watch for a false flag event against Obama or his family, something that will outrage ‘black America.’ It will be carefully choreographed, but executed in a manner that will evoke the ugliest of reactions and create racial chaos in this country that will make the Watts riots, 1968 and the Rodney King riots pale in comparison. That’s the third leg in this.”

Read More Here: Obama Plans For Civil Un-Rest

 Here: Troops Bostson

Here: Troops Minnesota

Here: Troops Florida

Here: Troops Los Angeles

Here: Troops Montana

Here: Washington State, Oakland, New Mexico

Here: Troops Chicago

Here: Troops Indiana

Here: Troops Michigan

Here: Training El Centro, California

Here: Troops Virginia

Penatgon Cut’s Troops, Civilian Worker Numbers Grow

Penatgon Cut’s Troops, Civilian Worker Numbers Grow

I could be way off base here but I don’t understand Washington. You have veterans coming home after putting their lives on the line for this country. The “Hire a Veteran” ads are all over the place, which is great. But why not put these veterans to work at the Pentagon and get rid of the civil service workers. We are already going to be paying pensions and benefits to our veterans, which THEY DESERVE, so why not put them to work, thus saving the taxpayers from paying for a union government employee who can’t be fired.

If you don’t believe me, here are a few quotes and a pic of one our public servants after the quotes:

A senior flag officer at the Pentagon told The Washington Times that because of federal rules, “the problem with reducing civilians is you can’t fire anyone. The only way to do it is not to replace them.”

The Pentagon’s civilian workforce, which expanded dramatically during President Obama’s first three years, is not facing any significant reductions even as the Defense Department is slashing ground troops by more than 10 percent, retiring ships and combat planes, and putting off the purchases of some new weapons.

“While the fighting force is coming down, the overhead continues to grow,” he said. “It was an adverse ratio to start with, and it’s getting worse. You want to put your money in the tip of the spear, not in the rear with the gear.”