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Tag: decay

A Culture Of Greed

A Culture Of Greed

One reason Trump exists and is the next president is that the political class is long overdue for reform. The reason the political class is a dumpster fire is the public has lost its civic morality. That cannot be fixed with one election. That cannot be fixed by one man in one job. What ails the country is not a missing comma in the tax code or the regulatory code. The political culture in Washington has to change and that happens when the American culture changes.


Celebrate now. Tomorrow we go back to the war.     here….


Memories Of 2012 – Post Election

Memories Of 2012 – Post Election

With the election a day away I was wondering what my feelings will be if Hillary wins. I hearkened back to the day after Bammer won against Romney in 2012 and the only word to describe my emotions was “devastated”. I was all in for Mittens and with Obama’s track record of failure after four years I assumed Romney was a lock. I remember watching Megyn Kelly that night shaking her ass back in forth between the set and the prediction room, Karl Rove in complete denial over the results from Ohio and Florida and losing his shit when Fox called them for Bammer.


I posted on this blog that I was done, I was shutting down the site because I could not see any reason to continue, how could I? I couldn’t believe that this country had gone that far down the rabbit hole to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama after all the bullshit he had pulled in his first four. My how times have changed.

I am not invested emotionally in ’16. If Hillary wins, so be it, I would not be surprised or shocked. I have been hardened by past elections.

If Hillary wins I will understand that we are on our own. Me and mine will begin the task of preparing for the worst and hoping for the best…basically what we have been doing since Obama was re-elected. I will understand that this country has lost it’s moral compass but there is nothing that we can do about it. The East and Left Coasters will have won the day and all we can do is sit back and watch the collapse, but from a distance. Hillary will be in our wallets but that’s as close as she gets, and if shit hits the fan money won’t be an issue, ammo and food will be the currency of the day.

So whatever comes, c’est la fucking vie, it be what it be.  Aim small, miss small.

Dead Puppies

Dead Puppies

Democrats are throwing a shit fit, not because they have been unfairly targeted just days before the election, it’s because they have been exposed as the rotten apples that spoiled the lot.

Wikileaks is not the culprit here, neither is Project Veritus, nor the FBI, these are just the people who noticed. Every time you hear “stolen e-mails” or “un-lawful videos” remember these people are not saying what’s in the emails and videos are false, they are saying the information of the corruption exposed was gathered by inappropriate methods. It’s like videoing them killing puppies but you were trespassing on their property to film it therefore the puppy killing never happened, it’s insane.

Now their building a bigger fence so you can’t see the mayhem, they are calling in various big hitters of the left to discredit or shame the truth tellers. Harry Reid and his lot are ignoring the bashing of puppies because the head puppy killer is about to become the most powerful woman in the world. Apparently a politician in Washington DC can put up with a lot of dead puppies when there are billions of dollars to be scammed from the taxpayer.

The problem with all of this is Americans don’t like puppy killing and they really don’t like people trying to hide and get away with it. They would just as soon see these people tossed in jail for their crimes. But these people are from fly over country whose duty is to pay taxes, period, not get involved in the majestic workings of government that’s outside of their understanding. 

There is also a group of people who will ignore these crimes because they think they are the intellectual betters of the dirt people, they will excuse the puppy killers because it must have been for the common good. The bigger picture for these people is a diverse Utopia that will never exist but they will continue to ride their unicorns in their endless pursuit of it. Toss in the people who don’t care about dead puppies as long as they continue to get their free shit and it’s and uphill battle for the dirt people.

The one thing the people of fly over country have going for them is the crimes have been exposed….and exposed some more….and then maybe more. So much corruption that even the other intellectuals are beginning to ask, why so many dead puppies?tumblr_ofa4ovvo9d1qk91wgo1_500