Let The Brave Politicians Fight….

Let The Brave Politicians Fight….

….yeah right.

 I think all politicians should have military service, the decisions made would at least be from the correct perspective, and we might be able to avoid the next community organizer.



9 thoughts on “Let The Brave Politicians Fight….

  1. I will agree that economic opportunity should be a basic human right. Economic security, not so much…

    And I love the idea of requiring politicians to perform some sort of military or even public service before running for office. The same should apply to voters.

    Have you ever read Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers? (Forget the movie – it sucked. Read the book.)One of the premises of that book is that people must perform some sort of volunteer service, including enlisting in the military, to earn teh right to vote and hold public office.

    1. If I’m not mistaken, Tim, the Israelis have a requirement that all their citizen put in at least two years in their military, except, of course, those who are disabled with some sort of debilitating handicap. Mandatory military service for all, especially politicians and wanna-be politicians, should also be a requirement here as well. But, it ain’t gonna happen, especially as long as we have an “administration” and a Congress with absolutely no balls at all. Remember back when BJ Bill was President? He said (infamously), “I loathe the military.” And although he hasn’t sasid so (at least publicly), The Ayatollah Obama (may his head be forever shit upon)extremely likely has the same sentiment toward the military.

      In the immortal words of Yakov Smirnov, “What a country!” Sheeeesh!!!!

      1. Scottie – I agree with you in principle, but I was in the Army back when we had a draft. Most of the draftees were the worst f*ck-ups imaginable. And I damn sure didn’t want to get in a firefight with those guys backing me up. They were useless. Maybe some form of public service, like the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, VISTA, etc. Anything that makes them do something for someone else, instead of just me, me, me all the time.

        Israel is a little different. For them, the military is a matter of survival. For us, it’s more a tool of foreign policy.

        1. Yeah, when you attempt to draw from the average population, with opt-outs for those who are politically or economically connected, then yeah, you will end up with the worst dregs imaginable, but that isn’t what Heinlein was suggesting, nor what is being suggested here. No one is suggesting required military service for those who do not wish to serve, merely for those who wish to attempt to control the lives of their fellow citizens, either through holding office or exercising sovereign franchise (voting). If all you need is cannon fodder, then dregs are fine, but today’s soldier would rank as at least a journeyman in any equivalent civilian trade, with the possible exception of those specializations that do not translate into civilian equivalents (like my own — NEC-0334; not much call for someone to plot a Harpoon missile attack in Mufti-World.)

          1. Drumwaster – Well said. I wouldn’t advise full military requirement, but at least some service requirement so the men who decide on war have some idea of the consequences.

        2. CTT – Elections are won by by people with the financial resources to run a campaign, which puts them in bed with millionaires, billionaires, and deep corporate pockets all with their own agendas. Joe Citizen doesn’t stand a chance in this system due to a lack of funds. The Mississippi election is a perfect example. McDaniels ran on a shoestring budget, should have won, and was eventually defeated by the big money GOP establishment. It’s criminal really, but that is the world we live in.
          Cochran and his ilk would be completely useless in a battle, yet these are the people who make decisions about war and where we fight. I would rather have someone with some experience making these decisions, not politicians.

    2. CTT – I have not read that book, but I would be in favor of some type of qualifier to vote, you know, basic history, a little math maybe, hell maybe even ID.

      1. Requiring an ID to vote? Come on, Jeffi. You know it ain’t gonna happen. Not with the Shyster General Holder and The Ayatollah running things. Nor with the Dumbocrat-controlled Senate and the do-nothing House of Non-Representatives.

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