Epic Rant

Epic Rant

I found this by way of Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler via Wirecutter.

Its long but easy to read. Take twenty minutes if you want to read the naked truth from a scared American, here ya go. A few excerpts below.

I can’t get Kevin and the pig trap out of my head, because it is a perfect metaphor for the surveillance state our government has built. It has been erected slowly over time, one piece at a time, so as to not panic the populace. And the government seems to have been wildly successful, because the American population at large seems completely unphased and unalarmed at what has been built over the last twenty or thirty years.


Like I said previously, this isn’t a Democrat versus Republican issue, they are two sides of the same coin. The Democrats advocate gigantic government to benefit and support the unions and racial minorities in this country, and the Republicans advocate gigantic government to benefit business in this country. But they both support a gigantic Federal government. This isn’t Democrat versus Repubican… it is US versus THEM… the everyday people versus the political class. These people don’t give a fuck about you… they just want your vote, and your money in taxes, regulatory fees, and donations. And once entrenched, they enrich themselves, their families, and their cronies, and they demand even more money and even more regulation and even more tribute and even more control over their serfs.


Maybe I’m crazy… maybe I’m paranoid… what the fuck do I know? Maybe I’m just a dumbass taxi driver that spends way too much time reading crazy websites on the Internet. My intellectual betters are already telling me that everything is fine, these problems will work themselves out after another election or two, and that a Clinton or a Bush are inevitable again, and these people know what they are doing.


Sorry… I just don’t buy it. What can not go on, will not go on. A realignment is coming to America, maybe in a year, maybe in ten years, but it is coming. And when it does come, it is going to be loud, and it is going to be bloody. Someone is going to die… it might be a cop or a government official, but I think it is going to be some average Joe, some nobody… some grocery clerk, some bricklayer, some bartender, some taxi driver, some waitress, some truck driver, some rancher in Nevada, some nobody dockworker like Crispus Attucks.

Or maybe it will be a child, shot in a gun raid or denied medical treatment by ObamaCare. Someone is going to die, and it will be the spark that brings about The Realignment Of America. keep reading

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