Let A Sleeping Dog Lie

Let A Sleeping Dog Lie

Everyone escaped without getting shot. Whether Bundy was in the right or in the wrong in this situation is for the courts. Political threats won’t help.

RENO, Nev. (MyNews4.com & KRNV) — Senate majority leader Harry Reid hasn’t been very vocal about the cattle battle showdown in recent days, but says “it’s not over.”

Reid tells News4′s Samantha Boatman his take on the so-called cattle battle in southern Las Vegas. “Well, it’s not over. We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it’s not over,” Reid said. untitled

If he presses the issue somebody will get hurt.

7 thoughts on “Let A Sleeping Dog Lie

  1. When he says “American People” that violate the law, he doesn’t include Demeocrat Politicians in that group, nor should he!

  2. This little weasle is the ultimate example of the “alcoholic mother”. Nonsensical ranting, threatening and a breath that’d explode if anyone lit a cigarette within 40 feet.

    As a matter of fact part of this douchebag’s problem is that his testicles never descended after he was born.

    Look at him closely, then look up “bully” in the dictionary. His picture will be there.

    1. Toejam – The man could be a person who helps the problem at hand, or a person who stirs the hatred up again. I think he is the latter and it could get somebody killed. What an asshole.

  3. “We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it.”

    Why not? We have an administration that does it all the time.

    1. Tim – So he can’t have “an American people that violate the law and just walk away” when it comes to a white conservative rancher, but stands behind 12 million illegal immigrants who break the law everyday and wants to forgive them their transgression. What’s the difference?

  4. Exhibit A for the Defense: Obama.
    Exhibit B for the Defense: Holder.
    Exhibit C for the Defense: Black Panthers.

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