O’Donnell Attacks Mormons
I knew this would happen. As I do almost every week night, (in between basketball games), I check out what the other side is saying. The other side being MSNBC or CNN. I watched tonight as Mr. O’Donnell attacked Mitt Romney and his religion. He stated historic records of Brigham Young and cherry picked various writings of the Mormon churches teachings from 1840″s, lets say that again, the 1840’s. He called Romney a racist from a racist religion. His rant went above and beyond what a journalist/host should be saying. My guess is that they are worried, and are going after anything they think can brainwash the American public with.
I will agree that Mormons have different religious beliefs than say, Protestants, Evangelicals, Amish, Catholics, Quakers, Jehovah’s Witness, Scientology, and people that call themselves plainly Christians. But they are all different. In America you are free to follow whatever religion you choose. That is why we are Americans. Freedom….duh.
So I tried to see if tonight’s broadcast had been posted on You Tube. It has not, but what I did find was a video from FOUR years ago. Lawrence O’Donnell apparently has a thing against Mormons plain and simple. I don’t care what your beliefs are but I do believe that Mr O’Donnell has a problem. You be the judge.
2 thoughts on “O’Donnell Attacks Mormons”
Real video title: “Ramblings of a mentally unstable Hypocrite”
I knew he was bad but wow, he didn’t hold back on something I thought would be touched upon but was left for others to debate.