4 thoughts on “The Plan All Along

  1. True,

    The Democrat Chicago gangsters and their Communist anarchist soul mates have planned this gambit for decades.

    They foresaw the tremendous demographic change in America, they planted Progressive staff in a huge number of Universities and they clandestinely planted “burrs” under the Republican Party’s saddle. i.e. sleeper progressives posing as Conservatives.

    I fear this is the true “perfect storm”.

    Liberal magnate Clooney and star of the movie must rubbing his hands together in delight.

    1. Toejam – It is a sad fact that Americans are pointing fingers at each other for various injustices because we support the a specific individual or ideology, problem is, government decided the rules. If you think these career politicians on both sides dislike each other, you are incorrect. They all swim in the same pool drinking champagne and figuring ways to line their pockets and keep the public arm wrestling each other.
      That is why the Tea Party scares the shit out of them, all of them, because Tea Party politicians refuse to play in the big sandbox.

    1. Odie – Agreed, but the constant divide pits everyday people against each other versus paying attention to who caused all the problems in the first place.
      Instead of the majority of American people demanding government fix itself, government has us fighting each other with rules prescribed by….the government.

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