Coming To A City Near You
It is amazing to think that we, as Americans, embrace different cultures, preach tolerance and understanding of religions that are a part of our national fabric. Thanks to the men and women who fought and died in past wars for the freedoms that all of us enjoy, people of this country can worship as they please.
My problem is when religious zealots condemn everything that is part of our heritage, and demand the same rights of tolerance the they themselves ignore, well, THAT PISSES ME OFF!
Watch closely and see the despair this poor women shows because of the takeover of her hometown.
2 thoughts on “Coming To A City Near You”
This is coming, make no mistake. It can happen here, and it will.
The question is, will we have the balls to remove the cancer?
Doubt it. Our politicians are in such a rush to be PC they will not stop the madness. And I feel that is what it is. MADNESS.