It’s Not About The Damn Website

It’s Not About The Damn Website

The Obama regime seems to think that once the “darn website” is fixed, all is well, and for some reason this is all the media is focusing on. As another deadline passes and there are still issues, everyone seems to forget the basic premise on how this law was sold and passed by outright lies.

It’s not about the damn website. We shouldn’t be counting the hours to see if this stupid website works, we should be pounding away at the lies told by Obama and the majority of his democratic wonks. This should be the headline on all the blogs for the next year, “Obama Lied. Period!”. He sold this monstrosity on lies, he campaigned for re-election on lies, he met with his administration, HHS, insurance companies, and his own party and decided to continue lying despite the fact millions of Americans would be effected by his lies. He knew it, his people knew it, democratic senators and congressmen all knew it and yet rank and file they all went out and lied to the American public.

It is not about the damn website, it will eventually be fixed.And once the issues have been resolved, Obama will claim victory. Yes, he will claim victory because all of the hard work his administration put forth, bringing in experts to help fix the problems, Obama saved the website….all hail Obama! You see what he did there? Never let a crisis go to waste.

It’s not about the damn website, it’s about how this President had NO problem repeating over and over and over again a complete and total bold face lie to America. Period.

6 thoughts on “It’s Not About The Damn Website

  1. Your last sentence sums it up very nicely. Plus the other factor that the lamestream ‘media’ keeps ignoring: just because they somehow magically (or otherwise) manage to get a bunch more folks ‘covered’ does NOT mean that there is actual medical care available for them. IOW, it don’t make any difference if you have ‘insurance’ if there isn’t a doctor around to treat ya!

    1. Gomez – Excellent point. They want this to all come together, but the issues that remain are enormous….has nothing to do with the website.

    1. Tim – Exactly! It’s not about the small issues, it’s about the big picture. Whether the entire system works or not…you still had a President and his minions flat out lie to enact the law. That in effect makes the law a non starter for me.

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