Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

So why? Why would Obama shutdown the WWII Memorial, a direct and blatant slap in the face of all veterans and military personnel alike, yet open the National Mall for Mexicans to protest for amnesty? I think there is a fairly simple answer. Obama and his progressive minions realize that they don’t need the “white” vote to win elections. Read that again, “they don’t need the white vote to win elections”. It’s a startling reality. Obama and democrats are functioning under the pretense that pandering to their base is enough to maintain if not strengthen their hold on Washington.


It does not matter what the red states do, the election process is so heavily tilted towards dense urban areas, fly over states can vote republican to their hearts content, it won’t change the outcome. This became obvious last November when they reelected Obama to a second term, even though economic and foreign policy matters were complete failures, and scandals that would have brought any other President down was not enough keep him from another term. That was where America failed itself, a line was crossed where fifty percent of the takers voted themselves a President to take from the makers. A sad day in America to be sure.












The amnesty protest at the National Mall was a strategic move by the Obama regime. It was a bat signal to all illegal immigrants that Obama will push amnesty for votes, a “we have your back” statement heard loud and clear by the Latin American contingent here illegal or legal. And by allowing the amnesty protest yet keeping veterans from a memorial that they paid for in blood and treasure, Obama signaled to “White America” that he does not care about them, because he does not need them any more, and unfortunately he may be correct. It has been an ongoing effort by Obama and the democrats, with various executive orders favoring illegals over the last four and a half years to buy votes. And of course the obvious fight over voter ID which helps the Latino vote.

This a a frightening time in America and it’s gonna get worse. The U.S. Government will still be around in ten or twenty years, but it may look very different than it has for the last fifty years.

Yeah it is a real bumper sticker. No wonder I drink.

6 thoughts on “Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

  1. America will be here in 10 or 20 years? Really? So when do you think it will come back? In 2 years? In 5 years? I certainly don’t live in America now. So when is America supposed to be back?

    1. Jac – I am not sure what your asking. I am in my fifth decade and this America is certainly different then it was say thirty years ago. My point being, whatever the country evolves into 10 or 20 years down the road will be much different than it is now. And if it’s under democratic control, Detroit is in our future.
      Have a nice day.

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