Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

Attacks on voter ID laws, climate change diatribes, racial tension claims, Obamacare navigators, another bus tour, and a new puppy seem to be in the headlines lately.
My question, what about Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious, NSA? Once again don’t look behind the curtain, nothing to see here, focus on the BS we can toss out there to keep republicans heads spinning.

Pick a scandal…any scandal….one at a time and bring some charges against someone. 2 years since the ATF gun walking fiasco, 1 year since Benghazi, 6 months since we heard about the NSA and IRS scandals. Has anyone been brought to justice? Anybody been fired, sent to jail, or at least given a harsh reprimand. NO. Nothing, Nada.

Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment for the Watergate scandal where no one died but it was assumed he could not be trusted. I don’t assume that Obama can’t be trusted, I know it for a fact, and if I know it why can’t we do anything about it? Someone is dropping the ball. 2014 mid-terms and the 2016 general elections would be great if the GOP won convincing victories, but in my humble opinion, that is to late. How come this administration gets a pass for their part in all of these scandals? If Obama walks away from all of this unscathed, he will be put up on a pedestal just like they did with Bill Clinton and he will NEVER go away.

2 thoughts on “Here We Go Again

  1. “How come this administration gets a pass for their part in all of these scandals?”

    Because in the eyes of the media Nixon = evil white man conservative, while obama = sainted black man liberal.

    Once ‘they’ have taken that position ‘they’ are incapable of admitting they might be wrong, and have to do everything they can to justify their beliefs.


    1. Tim – Just like when Clinton had all of his scandals, the media looked the other way. Now Clinton is treated like royalty even though his administration caused the housing bubble. I think any politician should be punished for doing immeasurable damage to the country, and lose all of the benefits that they claim in retirement. No pay, no health insurance, no security detail. You screwed Americans, (pun intended), you don’t deserve a lifetime retirement package.
      That’s what worries me about Obama. He will walk away from all of this in three years and be hoisted up on a pedestal, even though his policies will ultimately destroy this country, not just damage it. He should be jailed for treason, not given the golden ticket.

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