Obama Brags About Being A Constitutional Lawyer

Obama Brags About Being A Constitutional Lawyer

The arrogance of this man is staggering. And if he knows that much about the constitution, why does he ignore it, shred it, and state it is outdated?

In an interview after his speech Wednesday in Galesburg, Illinois, President Obama was asked if he consulted White House lawyers before unilaterally delaying the employer mandate in Obamacare. Since Congress, in the Affordable Care Act, specified that the mandate is go to into effect at the start of next year, reporters from the New York Times asked if the president investigated whether he had the legal authority to put it off without going through Congress.

Obama didn’t exactly answer the question. But judging from what he said, his answer was: No, I didn’t consult White House lawyers because I know a lot more about the Constitution than the Republicans who are complaining about it. And besides, they don’t think I’m legitimately the president, anyway.

“People questioned your legal and constitutional authority to do that unilaterally — to delay the employer mandate,” asked the Times’ Jackie Calmes. “Did you consult with your lawyer?” […]

At that point, Obama explained that if Congress doesn’t like what he’s done, then lawmakers can try to do something about it. “I’m not concerned about their opinions,” the president said. “Very few of them, by the way, are lawyers, much less constitutional lawyers.” And some Republicans “think I usurp my authority by having the gall to win the presidency.” read article here:

3 thoughts on “Obama Brags About Being A Constitutional Lawyer

  1. Well let’s see – since he ‘voluntarily’ gave up his law license he is effectively NOT a lawyer anymore, simply just another law school graduate. Never mind that he was never a Constitutional Law Professor but merely a guest lecturer……………
    And he has repeatedly sought counsel from actual lawyers – and promptly ignored their advise and done what he wanted to in the first place, Constitutional or not.

    1. Gomez- Completely agree. Just amazing that he has the gall to claim this elite wisdom over others.

    2. President Obama can brag, but he might think about the fact that his expertise failed him when his recess appointments were found unconstitutional

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