Obama Plays The Race Card

Obama Plays The Race Card

Unbelievable that this man is still in office. How can you say something like this and not think it would stir shit up? What an in incompetent idiot. Obviously he thinks there has not been enough violence and  rioting.

“Folks understand the challenges that exist for African American boys. But they get frustrated that they feel that there’s no context for them, that that context is being denied. And that all contributes to a sense that if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario, that from top to bottom both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different.”


6 thoughts on “Obama Plays The Race Card

  1. Obama wants heavy-duty violence. He’s using the black rioters as “bait” or “chum” if you will.

    Eventually, the whites will try and get payback through violent reaction.

    Then he’ll use that to declare Marshall law, Use the military to “quell” the “white violence” and most importantly use this as an excuse to confiscate ALL weapons in civilian hands.

    He’s not stupid and I’ve said it many times. His every move and word is calculated. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he knows what the result of his seemingly inane actions will be.

    He ordered the executions of Andrew Breitbart & Michael Hastings. And probably the Benghazi 4 as well.

    We’re DOOMED!

    1. Toejam – Agree with everything you said. Obama’s silence on major issues like the mess in the middle east, NSA, Benghazi, blah, blah, blah, made me assume he was plain incompetent. But as you look at what he is doing and the agendas he does get behind, it looks like a wicked plan. All the ’60’s liberals have taken over academia and they are in positions of power that has been planned for decades, this administration is following the same blueprint. So yes, he is not stupid, just evil.

  2. “Folks understand the challenges that exist for African American boys…”

    There may be some challenges for many of them to overcome, but one can argue that many of those challenges are the result of liberal/democrat/black ‘leader’ policies.

    And if I called young African Americans “boys” I’d be accused of all sorts of racism. It’s like the “nigger” (or “nigga,” if you prefer) thing. It’s okay for blacks to use that term, but not anyone else.

    Double standard, anyone?

    1. Tim – With all of the other problems confronting us, I am amazed at how Obama/Holder have addressed the fact that the verdict is justice plain and simple. Why waste another minute? And where is the call for calm? Instead Obama sics his pit bull Holder on a man proven in a court of law, by a jury of his peers, innocent. The mans a menace.

  3. Another of Barry’s “victims ” surfaces:

    Larry Grathwohl was found dead in his Cincinnati apartment,”

    It was Grathwohl who awakened America to the inherent dangers of Barack Obama in the run up to the 2008 presidential election when he described a meeting he attended where Bill Ayers and Weather Underground members talked openly about how they would have to murder an estimated 25 million people following the revolution they were then attempting to foment.

    1. Toejam – People who disagree with this man or his politics end up being audited, sued, or dead. Chicago thug politics at its finest.

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