What Happened To Fox News?

What Happened To Fox News?

I watch Fox News for updated happenings and political view points you won’t get elsewhere. O’Reilly pisses me off at times but I still find him entertaining. I look forward to nightly news that you won’t get from NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, or CNN.

The “real” news I get from the internet. The blogs I follow seem to source well and for the most part I am getting the most updated information I can. 

What I don’t understand is three full hours of the Zimmerman trial. You have Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, Snowden, NSA, IRS, Benghazi, and other assorted scandals and wars. What I got tonight was three hours of trial coverage that deserved about five minutes in each one hour block. Yes, the Zimmerman case is a reflection on our society, and if he is acquitted, it could cause a race war, but that could be three weeks away.

I don’t know who does the programming for Fox News but they are doing themselves an injustice with the constant coverage of the Zimmerman case when there is so much more going on in the world. C’mon guys, I look past your bias for some facts, not a bunch of “experts” boring the hell out of me.

2 thoughts on “What Happened To Fox News?

  1. I watched this past Monday’s “O’Reily factor”. He was bragging about his Wonderful Irish vacation and how everyone was so warm and welcoming. Bull Shit Bill.The average Irishman or woman is an avid socialist , an ardent supporter of the Palestinians and only wants to drain American tourist’s wallets by feeding them the auld Irish malarkey.

    Wait a minute, he was talking last week about going to Ireland. So I figure his “vacation” lasted all of 3 days. It’s a 5 hour flight from New York to Shannon over-night. And a 7 hour flight (head-winds) back. That’s basically 2 days shot.

    He showed 3 or 4 photographs of himself in Galway (about a 45 minute drive from Shannon airport). So I figure he actually had “touirist” boots on the ground for 2 days max.

    Hell, even Obama takes longer to visit Florida to play a round of golf with his bro, Tiger.

    1. Toejam – Bill is also backing the immigration reform bill, (amnesty bill for over 20 million illegals for the lay person), and I find that incredulous. He can spout off about his heritage and how wonderful his trip was, but as you mention, 2 days does not quite give you and in depth knowledge of Ireland.
      Obama gets his vacations paid for by the American taxpayer, Bill pays out of pocket or has it in his contract for Fox to pay. Who knows really.

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