3 thoughts on “Ask Stupid Questions

  1. Honestly indicative of one of the huge problems facing our world today: Stupidity does not suffer costs anymore.
    The reporter was a total failure. He didn’t have any insightful questions to ask, didn’t bring anything to the table, had a stupid fucking question, and got it answered (the polite part has now passed). But the dumbfuck persisted (because HE was retarded, and a failure, and couldn’t come up with a decent question, which is literally a reporters job). I think the golfer handled it with aplomb by politely pointing out how stupid he was in front of everyone. I would have been much more colorful in my explanation of physics.
    But that’s the problem.. this reporter, never had a dressing down, never got a teacher in college to call him a fucking moron, get an F, and be forced to re-write it. He never paid any real costs for being a stupid fucking failure at anything. So he gets a job and fails at it. Like everything else in this world today, broken.

  2. “Shanking” isn’t strictly a golf expression. When I was living in England and played Snooker on a weekly basis it was common when a player made a bad shot they’d yell, “Criminy, That was a shankin’ miscue”!

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