10 thoughts on “Upside Down World

    1. Yes he did, the money sent to the Ukraine finds it’s way back to the same pockets it’s been going to for all those years.

  1. Government makes the decisions on winners and losers esp. when it comes to industry. There is a reason why college went up over double the inflation rate. Then there are millions of people allowed into the country that are given handouts and send that money back to their home countries.
    Lastly anyone think the old guy would sell his house to a young person for just slightly over what he paid or will he be best offer takes it.

  2. His complaints are valid, but I do have to wonder where he lives. $1,800/mo rent for an apartment? You could rent a *house* for less than that where I live (rural Texas).

    1. Yeah but it’s rural Texas. I lived in Lamesa for 5 years and there weren’t a whole lot of upwardly mobile jobs available.

  3. Voting is not going to get us out of this mess and neither is screaming we need a civil war. We’ve dug the hole too deep to get out of.

    So put all your efforts into praying for the only realistic fix:

    A 20-mile-wide asteroid travelling at 25,000 MPH with it’s crosshairs on 39°50′N & 98°35′W,

  4. Rico from venezuela does not seem to have a problem living and surviving wonderfully in American society. Maybe you are not managing your money correctly. Personally, I think it was your vote for O’Biden, or for any of the cowardly, spineless, emasculated empty nut sack repubs that is your problem, which you will probably do again in a few months time.

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