9 thoughts on ““No Victims”

  1. Anyone with the IQ of soap knows this was an agenda driven politically based trial the only purpose of which was to attack and harm Trump as part of the ongoing campaign by the criminal left to destroy him. And it should also serve as complete proof to ANYONE conscious that the
    american legal system is corrupt and irredeemably broken beyond repair.

    1. 112% True Dan, you are correct.
      So, now what?
      I mean, yeah, like, we all ask that question, even beat ourselves and each other up over it. You know the keyboard LARPer “why aren’t you shooting evil politicians yet?” (fedboi’s trying to entrap, I know).
      But really, like, where does all this go, how does it end up? Realistically. I don’t mean some hollywood story w/ a handsome unknown young mel gibson. I mean, like does this go full on Soviet Gulag? Do they find a crime they can imprison him with next? Drag him off to be incarcerated in a federal pen, orange jump suit and bracelets? You know that’s what they want…
      They’re crafting federal “disinformation” laws right now, you all know that’s censorship of anything they don’t like. But they’re doing it, and passing it, just like they always do. And you and me will end up in jail just like the people that thought they were safe peacefully protesting on Jan 6th.
      They’re rotting in a jail cell in DC for staying in between the velvet ropes, and we think that’s not going to happen to us? Like, this is as far as the crazy tyranny is going to go? They won’t start tracking IP addresses and arresting Memer’s, that’s crazy talk! Are you really so sure? Trump just got fined for a financial ‘crime’ with no victims. The bank that loaned him the money in question literally said “Nope, we’re good.” They fined him anyways. Dan nails it – legal system is dead.

      So, ask yourself, where does this go next?
      How does it end up, in a year from now (the election, if it happens, will be behind us)?
      What does our world look like in 2 years? 4?

      I don’t know about you, but I don’t have a good feeling. I don’t want to pontificate to the masses here, it’s pointless. If you’re reading this site, or my comment, you already share my opinion.
      What do we do with the other half of the country (or 10%, or whatever portion of the population it is that believes this tripe)? There are American citizens out there that actually believe it, like, accept it as truth and form further beliefs on top of it.
      It’s a bigger conundrum than you think. Half the country believes Trump is a traitor and should be hanged, half thinks he’s a savior to be revered. Where do you find common ground there? Regardless of the election and it’s results, a portion of the population is going to BELIEVE THEY WERE CHEATED OUT OF THE ELECTION. Just like you and me, but the shoe will be on the other foot. What then?
      They call MAGA types insurrectionist. The Rebel Forces in Star Wars were… rebels. The Southern Men fighting the War of Northern Aggression were what: rebels against the federal government. They weren’t brave men fighting for their heritage and way of life, were they? Ooops, guess it depends which history book you were forced to read as a kid, doesn’t it?
      Do you see where we are now? Half the people think it was a civil war to free the slaves, half think otherwise. They’re both right. Half the people think Trump is a traitor, half think a savior. Both right.
      We are doomed. Grok that.

      1. Agreed Joe we are Doomed. There are the elite controllers who are neurotic, power hungry, control freaks and Critical Thinkers playing the long game. The peasants are emotional reacting, instant gratification, vicarious seeking individuals. There are no benign “for the people” Elites. They are obsessed game winners who will sacrifice untold pawns to achieve their goals. This is basic human group psychology stuff. It’s been going on forever and will go on until the human species is extinct. We have met the enemy and they is us.

      2. I do not understand your last paragraph – two opposite views cannot be both right. In your examples, only the latter are correct. To believe something does not make it right. I’m sure the Germans thought they were right in the 30s-40s.

  2. WE all KNOW what needs doing. It’s just that once we start doing what needs done things get nasty… very very nasty, for everyone.

  3. If I was a business in the state or city of NY I would be immediately working to move to another state likely TX, FL, NC, or SC.

    These politicos have a hatred for Trump but he is not the only one. Bottom line they are hurting for money and it will be a long time before they get it so they are going for all people and business.

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