3 thoughts on “Back to the future

  1. In Seattle a city council member, Ksama Sawant, an avowed socialist (at best), and a self-confessed agent of the Socialist Alternative, often refers to Americans as “the masses.” She has been nothing but a totally destructive force for evil in Seattle. Even her “successes” such as defunding the police, raising the minimum wage, and helping impose hazard pay for select workers – i.e. those most likely to vote for her and her ilk – have led to massive reductions in work hours, an increased pace off automation to replace people, and marginal stores closing due to higher costs and ongoing crime. She is not running again for council, having barely squeaked past a recall that saw her minions setting up voting tents where they signed up the homeless and other questionable folks to vote and right there printed up ballots for them to vote (yep, it is actually legal in Washington). She is now starting a new worker’s activist front something or other for the workers, masses, nameless faceless homunculuses whose worth is measured only in what they contribute to the state and their political reliability. And there will be lines of drones and droogies panting to dance to her nasty tune. Reagan had her pegged long before she was born.

  2. Oh, and best of all, Sawant is already the boss/leader/whatever of said organization. People’s democratically elected, I am sure…

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