6 thoughts on “Hunger Games Districts Released

  1. The really sad thing is the actual “Hunger Games” was written as a kind of warning based upon the US of A.

    Which, when explained in small words to leftards who like the books and movies is kind of one of those mind-expanding, blown brains out of ears moments, for those leftards still capable of some semblance of logical thought.

    As to the people who say, regarding the above map, that District 3 wouldn’t win, well, they almost did in the 1860s with far fewer guns and people. Now we have 2 of the most populous and well-armed states in the nation, and, outside of New Orleans, one of the fightingest band of bubbas who know how to live off the land.

  2. us hillbillies in Appalachia will wage a guerilla war from sw va. to pa. district 5 will perish by their own hand. d4 will turn on chicago, then join d3. d3/4 will be joined by id, mt, and wy in addition to eastern or/wa. western or/wa will devolve into mad max and fade/burn into history. utah will declare independence and request assistance from d3/4+. district 1(-) will be defeated and run into the sea. the wall will not be needed b/c illegals aren’t that stupid. remainder of d5 will split along i95 and the western portion joins d3/4+. so, we end up with the usa again minus a couple of dystopian citystates surrounded by freedom. sounds good to me. or we could skip all that drama and wall them off now and forget them. but, what fun would that be?

  3. I am in Ohio just north of the Ohio river, about 15 miles north of East Liverpool along the OH/PA line. I hearby formally petition to join D3. Us NE OH and Western PA boys are well armed as well.

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