How Do you drain the swamp?

How Do you drain the swamp?

I would start by forcing every federal agency to cut their departments by 50% or lose funding, get rid of the dead weight, then follow this guys instructions.

8 thoughts on “How Do you drain the swamp?

  1. Drain the swamp?
    Have all of the top echelon tried and executed.
    The secondary echelon jailed for the remainder of their natural life.
    The rest: isolate the most fervent supporters and seize all of their wealth, ill-gotten or not, and prohibit any of them or any of their blood line from ever holding public office or even a public job.

  2. The problem with telling the agencies to cut 50% is who will do the cutting. Most likely the very ones that need to be cut will be the ones holding the axe and protecting their friends. Some agencies are behind redemption and need to be eliminated wholesale.

  3. why, by pulling the plug, that’s how. literally. cut off the funds. move the govt to a field in kansas if you must have one. term limits, no lobbies, no permanent residents. like old days, meet for a month in spring, another in fall.

  4. Going to be hard to cut funds. Whenever a well meaning politician attempts to cut just the yearly increase in department funding; they get eviscerated. The departments rev up their MSM machine and scream how grandma will die or kids will go hungry without their funds.

  5. Limit time in government to 20 years total no matter if you are an intern, staff, or part of an agency. This can be done via passing a bill in Congress and signed by the President.

  6. the only way to get rid of the swamp is to abolish entire departments. unfortunately that will never happen until the federal government completely collapses.

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