3 thoughts on “Seems Legit

  1. ROFLOL!
    Hoisted by his/her own petard.
    Karma is a bitch too (and then you marry her)

  2. “50 former intelligence officers”
    Does that mean that they formerly used to in the past work for an intelligence agency?
    Or does it mean that they were officers that formerly used to have intelligence?
    Or does it mean that they that they were officers that formerly used to be intelligent?
    So confusing…….(and funny as hell)

  3. Whats hilarious is reading the responses on twat. So many people completely missed the joke (or got it, but didn’t like it), so they choose to belittle and insult a former celeb (as if their twat following was worth talking about).
    But the whole farce of “a number of former intelligence officials” just went right over their heads.

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