The Math Just Does Not Work

The Math Just Does Not Work

Assuming the country has a population of 311 million people. Of that populous about 62% are of working age, (Under 65 over 18), that leaves an available workforce of 192 million people.
The federal government employs approximately 10 million not including the CIA, (which does not disclose employee numbers), or FTE’s. This 10 million number is hard to confirm because of all the differing agencies offering civilian contracts still provided by taxpayer funds. It could very well be double that number but for this effort we will assume the 10 mil.
State governments for the sake of argument we will put at 1 million state employees per state. Now, Wyoming has a population of 568 thousand so there is no way that it could have that many state employees, but California has 37 million people and state employees run about 10% of the population on average so once again, we will assume 1 million state employees per each state.

Remember this douchebag??

Available Workforce – 192 Million
State Employees – 52 Million
Federal Employees – 10 Million
Total of private sector employees paying for some form of government – 130 Million

Now we subtract for 22 million currently unemployed which would leave 108 Million private sector taxpayers. Now subtract 10 million illegal immigrants that do not pay taxes we are now at 98 million available people paying taxes for a population of 311 million. And I know that I have underestimated the amount of government employees in some form or another. Oh, subtract 1.5 million currently in prison and you have 28% of the working populace paying for 72% of the remaining workforce. How do you sustain that????

You do have the argument that government employees pay taxes also, but they have been paid by taxes we paid, kinda redundant to count their portion don’t you think? Now add Obamacare and the additional burden of more government paying for more free stuff and….you get the idea.

We are boned and we don’t even know it yet.

2 thoughts on “The Math Just Does Not Work

  1. How do you sustain that????

    You steal anywhere from 1/4th to 1/2 (or more…) of the income from the 28% (effective income tax rates + social security and medicare tax + capital gains tax + death tax + sales tax + state income tax + other taxes and fees). Then you run a ponzi scheme selling T-bills that you pay off by selling more T-bills at some point in the future.

    When that’s not enough you steal more from the producers.

    Repeat until collapse or revolution, whichever comes first.

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